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From mimi_briggs: I struggle with my own health issues & am currently struggling to take care of my husband who is in End Stage Renal Failure & on dialysis. I feel like a failure for not being able to care for him like he deserves. I cry myself to sleep, not knowing how to get it all done. :cry:


Thank you for sharing some of your heart here.

I’m sorry you and your husband are having so many physical problems right now.

Please take some time to think about your feelings of failure. I am guessing they are draining you of valuable energy you need to face the day. Life is like this sometimes. It’s no one’s fault. It’s just the way of it. Have you talked with your husband about your feelings? He may be feeling the same way too, in regard to caring for you. I hope you can release yourself/yourselves from these feelings. You are doing the best you can.

Do you have friends or family that you can ask for some extra support for a little while? I know it can be hard to ask for help, but often people are more than happy to help if asked. I know I am.

Please keep coming here and sharing your thoughts and feelings if you want. You’re always welcome~

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hi mimi, thank you a lot for sharing. sorry to hear that you and your family have to go through all of that.
it is hard, to care someone with this issue. everytime it is hard to see someone suffer, to see someone needing care. talk to your husband. talk to your family. about all of this. talk with us.
you maybe could seek help, with a therapist or a self help group, sharing experiences can do a lot.
you are not a failure. you do the best you can, i am sure.
my toughts are with you, your husband and your all of your loved ones. you are incredible strong. you have a
good heart. a kind and beautiful heart. take care of yourself in these times, more then we or you should do
normally. you matter ! to yourself, to your husband, your family and friends, to us and to me. you are loved. :purple_heart:
feel hugged.

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Dear mimi, you are not a failure. You care so much and it is beautiful to see how much love there is between you and your husband. But there are circumstances at play and it’s not your fault. It’s not in your control nor something you asked for. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must be for you – wanting to help, but being limited because of health. It hurts when our own body prevents us from doing the things we want, from doing what is right. Through it all, you are not guilty of anything, friend. You too need love, care and support. Do you have anyone in your life who would be able to support you and your husband? Friends, family. Even if it’s “just” emotional support. That alone can go a long way and bring some relief in the midst of what should feel like chaos for you. We surely don’t want you to be or stay alone with these thoughts and tears. Proud of you for reaching out today – this is a first step. I hear you and am rooting for you and your husband. You are in my thoughts. <3

@heartsupportwall6 thank you for your kind words. Some days are harder than others. I’ve tried talking to him but words fall on deaf ears. I’ve learned that music is an outlet for me & it quiets those voices.