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Belongs to: False Divinity by Texas in July- Therapist Reacts
From momcallsmeelvis: today was the first I used a suicide prevention hotline that a friend recommended and I’m glad I did! Love the tunes :metal:t2::musical_note:


What a strong step that you took right there. Well done! It is so important when we find ourselves into dark spaces of our mind, to make sure that we keep seeking connections with others. Isolating during those times can add more pain to the pain. Using this hotline was a very strong decision and I’m thankful that you invited others into your own emotional space while you were hurting. It takes a lot of strength to say that we’re not okay and need some support. I hope this can be one step between many for you towards more peace and healing, no matter what you are facing in your life right now. There are resources available that can be used unapologetically. You are worthy of love and care. Keep standing up for yourself, keep sharing your voice. You matter so very much.