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From I dont really know how ended up on this post, but im glad to, really intuitive coĂŻncidence and needed to read this. But its always difficult to talk about it , or to know where when to start . Thank you for this :black_heart:


For sure difficult to talk about - it’s hard to unpack so much and to trace the whole back to individual parts. It’s like - this WHOLE THING feels broken, where do I even begin? It’s scary in general to talk about your struggles, but then to feel like no matter who you share with couldn’t possibly understand…it feels pointless. It’s hard to start, and then with the high likelihood of some kind of rejection or misunderstanding …just makes more sense to not talk about it at all. But the problem with that is that it makes things worse, ha. So you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of thing.

TBH, I feel like even just admitting that you want to share but don’t know where to start is a great thing. I’ve been through the 12 steps for my addiction to porn, and one of the steps is “asking for the willingness to WANT to change”. It was one of the most powerful steps for me. Because the truth was I didn’t WANT to change. But I wanted to want to change. And admitting that and leaning in there was the place where I was at, and it gave me the ability to take a step when I otherwise would have been stuck.

Feels like where you’re at is wanting to want to share, even though you don’t want to share. And that is a powerful place to be! It is an excellent start.

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From: eloquentpetrichor

It can be so hard to talk but sometimes it can be so freeing as well once you choose to do so. Making the decision to talk about something is the most important step. Once you decide to let your voice be heard and let people see who you are and what you are going through, that is when you can find the strength to say what you need to and the words will follow.


Thank you for sharing with us. I’m glad that the post was impactful for you and understand how hard it is to share these things. If you don’t know where to go, there are so many possible paths, but know that you’re always welcome on the HeartSupport Wall if you want to anonymously share more of your story with us ( You matter, you are valued, and we’re glad that you’re sharing with us.


From: twixremix

hey mroy, i’m glad you found this post too. i hope you can find ease in talking about these hard topics with friends, family, or any other trusted person in your life. none of us are alone in this journey and usually talking out problems we face with loved ones provide the clarity, solutions, and peace we wouldn’t get from bottling it up. so know you aren’t alone and that you have so many people who believe in you! love, twix


Life brings us to places, and sometimes if feels like it was inspired/guided by something. What ever brought you to this post at this time, I am glad that it resonated with you. HeartSupport is here to listen, talk, and care. When ever you may need it, just post/chat/reach out.

You got this.