From ms cassafrass- i m struggling with the back t

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From ms.cassafrass_: I’m struggling with the back to back loss of my parents. I’m actually going to see @silentplanetband @silentgarrett in CT at the club they used to work at together with their own dj company. I do everything I can to feel close to them.

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@heartsupport wow honestly thank you for this. It truly does mean a lot that even a stranger has such kind support :black_heart:

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@ms.cassafrass_ oh wow friend. I can’t imagine how crushing those losses must feel. Losing one parent is hard enough, but losing them both so close together the weight of that must make it hard to breathe at times. It makes sense that you would try to do everything possible to stay close to them, to feel them, remember them, experience them in any way you can. I imagine the grief feels completely all consuming like there is no distraction big enough, like nothing else matters but this giant hole in your heart.I’m grateful you’ll get to see silent planet. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy the incredible show, shed some cathartic tears and mosh. I hope that you have a plethora of people around you to support you and if you don’t this community is here for you. You don’t have to go through this alone. Sending love - taylor

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I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of both parents, I cannot imagine the pain that has come along with this. I truly hope you are taking time to care for yourself, grieve in your own way and lean on friends and other family members when needed.
I love that you are going to do something that makes you feel so close to your mum and dad it sounds like they too would love you to do that. I do like to think though that no matter where you go they are always going to be right by your side as they will forever be carried in your heart. I hope you have a lovely time in CT.
Lisa x