From orangish-hue i ve been struggling with the lo

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From orangish_hue: I’ve been struggling with the loss of the future I thought I would have. Two careers now have not worked out for me and it’s really depressing. Then you have the planet melting down and capitalism running amuck. The future just doesn’t look like much at all anymore. Taking it a day at a time. Maybe I’ll go back to school and try for something else. :woman_shrugging::weary:

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@orangish_hue Yes, it’s so hard to want to follow a direction in your life, but facing repeated walls that force you to not just change what you do, but also shift your expectations and hopes as a whole. You give a lot of yourself into a project or plan for the future, but challenges appear that force you to reconsider everything. It’s such a brutal type of loss that you’ve been experiencing, and I truly admire your perspective there of maybe going back to school/try for something else. This is a beautiful way to not let fate/unexpected events prevent you from living a life you would enjoy - to follow a career path that you could be fulfilled with. I personally got two master degrees in different areas, and even though what I’m doing today is related, it’s still not I would have envisioned years ago. Life can also be, on the other side, full of surprising, positive outcomes and opportunities. Through it all, what matters is to keep trying FOR YOU, because man you are SO worth it. And you absolutely deserve a career that you could enjoy/embrace and feel proud of. In the meantime, it is okay to mourn and feel everything that needs to be felt. This is an important loss that you’ve been going through. One day at a time indeed. You got this, friend. You will get there and find your way. I believe in you. <3