From purr-sea i took a life that takes mine i hear

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From purr_sea: “I took a life, that takes mine.” I hear that lyric and relate with it in a different way, but it’s something I struggle with all the same. It’s been 5 years now.

1 Like it’s definitely the forgetting the gets me…and then I remember :disappointed: Thank you for kind words.

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@purr_sea It sounds like you’ve been experiencing the effects of a major loss - I’m so sorry that it’s been so painful and such a struggle for you since then. 5 years can feel like a lot yet also not enough time at all. There are events in life that hit us so deeply and left us feel wounded, broken. It’s hard to see beyond it and recollect how much beauty can be present in life, still. Through all these years you have without a doubt been persevering and trying your best to cope, and for that I just wanted to say thank you. It is very important and meaningful that you are here today, opening up about it in your own way, and somehow making sure that you don’t stay alone with it. If you’ve been on your own dealing with it, then please know there’s a community here that cares about you. There are brighter days ahead - not the same as before, and without forgetting any of what happened - but with a very new sense of closure that you will find, at your own time. <3

@purr_sea lyrics can be such a powerful way of allowing us to feel seen and understood. It’s always so helpful when we can find a song like Panic Room to hold on to and to help us process. Thank you for sharing. It sounds like youj’ve been in pain for quite some time now, and after that long it feels like pain is the new normal and that can be really scary. You took a step toward healing today by sharing how you feel and the great thing about taking one step is that all of the steps that follow feel a little easier. Sending you love friend. You’ve got this