From raingirl777 i love this i struggle everyday i

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #326
From raingirl777: I love this. I struggle everyday. I never fit in but I’m ok with that. It’s my body image I’m not ok with. I look in the mirror & feel ugly. I have gained alot of weight in the past 4 years & when I was thinner everyone wanted to go out & be around me & now that I’m bigger, no one ever calls or asks me to go anywhere. Depression is real. I never realized I had so many fake friends. & when I get healthy again which I will. The Depression is still there because I don’t have many real friends who like me for me & not the size of my body. I’ve actually had people who I hung out with in my 20’s & 30’s run in to me somewhere and ask me…“What happened to you? You’re fat now. You used to be so beautiful.” I truly feel ashamed to look in the mirror.