From reddeathrenegade right now im struggling with

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From reddeathrenegade: right now I’m struggling with my partner living across the country and not having any guaranteed clue of the next time I’ll see her. We’ve made things work so far bit I’m always nervous of something going terribly wrong. She is the light of my life and I don’t want anything happening

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@reddeathrenegade I can imagine that the weight of distance and uncertainty in this sitatuation feels like a boulder and is only made ehavier by the lack of knowledge of when you’ll meet again. The worry about things going wrong is natural because she means so much to you. My encouragement is to take it one step at a time and to tryo to stay as preseent as possible. Keep communicating with each other and remember the love that holds you together. Get creative in the way you connect with each other during the time of distance. you got this!