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From rockchickrevoir: the voices in my head tell me that i’m not enough for the only one that matters, you’d think that in 35 years of marriage i could shut that damn voice down but nope


hi rockchickrevoir, thank you for sharing this. congrats to 35 years of marriage, that is a very long time.
you can be proud of that, in times like today you don’t see that much often.
i can only imagine how that feels, you are married as long as i live, nearly. so that is something that
you have achieved. there is nothing in easy what comes in life. it is always an up and down.
you are strong and you deserve all the love and beauty . you matter, reach out to us anytime you
feel the need for. anytime, we are here and we care about you. you deserve happiness and joy.
feel loved and hugged. :purple_heart: