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From rxdm0th: not making ends meet. Constantly feeling inadequate because of it. :pensive:


Friend, you are not inadequate and you are not alone. It’s been a struggle. My heart goes out to you.

Hi Friend, Thank you for your comment.
As @ManekiNeko has said there is nothing inadequate about struggling to make ends meet, its something that sooo many struggle with especially in these times. The only thing that is not going up is income. Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself some grace, I have no doubt you are doing your very best. Much Love Lisa. x


Hi my friend,
thank you for reaching out. in times like now it is really hard, it gets harder by day it feels like. so you are not alone
my friend. everything is getting expensive more and more. my thoughts are with you. you are loved and you do
great :purple_heart: feel hugged, you matter most

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It’s really difficult when you can’t make ends meet. I’ve been there too and had to rely on family or food banks, so I hope you have some resources you can use to get back on your feet. You matter!

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From: Mamadien

My friend, it is a struggle when it seems that the costs and bills are more than what you can earn and bring in. You find yourself making hard choices and having to choose what to go without. Please don’t think you are inadequate because you having to make the hard decisions right now. You are not alone in this place and your pain is felt by many here. You matter and you are not alone.

Hey friend. Thank you so much for opening up about this. First because you truly don’t have to stay alone with this thought, but also because you are speaking for so many others through your own comment. We live in a very difficult and uncertain time. The overall context right now when it comes to economy is definitely not the best we could have. There are circumstances at play there that put a lot of obstacles on our way when it comes to our own financial stability and sustainability. As much as getting money and maintaining our life stable feels like a personal responsibility, it is also very heavily impacted by the environment/context we’re in.

Something that remains absolutely sure in the midst of this uncertainty, is that your worth is not tied to how much money you make or to your job status. You have worth because you are alive, because you have breath in your lungs, because you exist and are uniquely you. There’s no life circumstance that could ever change this. In so many ways this world pushes us towards an ideal of self-empowerement and constant productivity. If you don’t fall into these categories, even just for a little while, you start feeling like you’re inadequate. But it’s the world that we live in, it’s the standards that are set, that are not adequate to how life truly unfolds, and to our real value as human beings. I promise you that you are not any less because you struggle making ends meet. You are loved. You matter.