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From sashaatiaraa: Knowing that moments in life can be temporary is what makes most of life so beautiful for me. Change is inevitable so why not accept it with open arms :innocent:


love this mindset! you’re speaking the truth that something that could be seen as scary (the temporariness of life) can be a gift in itself. thank you for sharing this!


this reminds me of two of my favourite things I remind myself of:

  • Your now is not your forever.
  • This too shall pass.
    Thanks for sharing, this is an uplifting approach!

Enjoy and embrace each moment, as change can be in the next. Great mindset, friend. I hope what ever changes come your way and welcome and kind.


Nothing stays the same, so we should cherish each moment. Accepting change is hard, but some much easier if we accept it. Thank you for your comment!


I hear you and I like what you are saying. Things always change and I love how you are talking about living right now and being present in each moment. Yesterday is done and can’t be changed, tomorrow we don’t know what it will be and all we really have is right now. So yes, let’s live embracing life fully. Thank you for sharing!!

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This is so true and such a beautiful way to look at life!

Life is fleeting and if you do not stop to enjoy it you may miss some beautiful things. As a teenager (the start of digital photos) I had a saying on my wall that said “Photos capture moments in time that can be treasured long after the subjects are forgotten”. But as an adult I make sure to step from behind the lens and enjoy capturing those moments in my heart as well.