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From shanlyn23: I lost my mom in April and I’ve not been the same, my voices tell me I’m weak, not enough and I can tell with husband especially that I’m so lost and I can’t find my way back


hi shanlyn, i am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. my toughts are with you and your family.
to feel lost when we grief, is just human. you lost someone very close, you miss that person. but also
be happy about you had your mom in your life, you experienced that. you are strong, so strong. but in
times of grief we often don’t see how strong we are. our sight is narrowed to darkness. but around there lies the beauty of life, life is blooming. you are loved, by your husband, family and friends.
they will support you, reach out and speak about your feelings. they are part of our lifes and you
deserve to have happiness, love and joy in yours. you are not alone in this my friend. you are loved,
you matter most ! feel loved and hugged. :purple_heart: thank you so much for sharing and reaching out to us, there is always a place for you in our community.