From shann-elizabeth- a little over a year ago i l

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From shann_elizabeth_: A little over a year ago I lost my mom to breast cancer. She was my rock, my biggest supporter and there’s not a day that I don’t miss her. Everything still feels unreal, there’s so many times I want to call her and tell her everything.

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your mom. It must have been so heartbreaking to see her battle this beast that is cancer. It’s so hard to be in this position of seeing things happening without having any control over it. And what you describe with the phone call is so relatable… you just want one more moment to share with them, hug them and say how much you love them. It makes completely sense to feel the weight of her absence. I hope that, with time, you can find ways to keep sharing life with your mom, even if she isn’t present physically. Through your words, I can feel how much love there was - and will always be - between you two. It’s a very special bond and beauty that can be cherished, and honored, even when we have to carry that love for two. Sending plenty of hugs your way today. <3