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From top_krut91: @riseagainst inspired me to write my emotions out and apply it to music, it took a long time to gain the confidence and knowledge to apply my writings to recordings, and im hoping to get my first album out this year or beginning to next year, rise against has been my all time favorite band since i first heard them, and the lyrics to me are some of the most powerful

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Hey Friend, that is brilliant, it is a wonderful feeling when you see or hear someone or something that suddenly sets a spark in you to do your think, to give you the confidence to share your talents and Im so happy for you that you are doing that. I wish you so much luck with your album. Maybe your words and your music will insprire others to do the same. Lisa. x

Yes! What’s a song you wrote about something recently along these lines?

@heartsupportwall4 i recently wrote a song about humans losing their humanity in favor of blind hate, it bothers me alot seeing and hearing people hate others for things that dont effect them at all, hating others for not just being different but living differently, and the mass division it continues to cause. The first song i wrote for this album had to do with over coming consistant stress and depression, and how to grow stronger from past experiences