From traggedy ann even 10 years on im still strugg

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From traggedy.ann: even 10 years on, I’m still struggling with the loss of a friend. She was so young when she chose to leave, and I can’t help myself run over every conversation we ever had thinking if there was something I could have done to keep her here for even one more day. The worst part is not being able to hear her voice or see her face as clearly as time goes on. Of course I’ll never forget her, but what am I supposed to do when I can’t recall her laugh? I fuckin’ miss you, kid. The world could really use some of your light in it.

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@traggedy.ann oh man, reading this gave me goosebumps because man can I relate. I lost a friend to suicide far too soon, and I’ve had so many of the same thoughts about it as you shared in your post. It feels like there are a million alternate timelines that could have led to a different ending, and one change could have made all of the difference. And as time passes your memory starts to fade, and all youw ant to do is grasp even tighter and fight even harder to see if there was some way you could have changed the outcome. I’ve found that it can be so helpful to write and talk to him. To tell him the good things. I’ve also found a lot of peace in trying to rewrite some of my beliefs about what could have been done differently, because the truth is that there is no way that we could know if it would change anything. I’m sending you love friend. You can spread the light of your friend and continue her legacy <3

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