From tylerlwilfong currently still grieving the tr

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From tylerlwilfong: currently still grieving the tragic loss of my father in law due to medical negligence at a local hospital. Had to step up and take in my mother in law and sister in law at 23 years old. Last couple years has been a blur and everyone is still trying coming to terms with it.

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@tylerlwilfong Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. It must be hard to grieve when immediately you had to step up and take on the role of a care-giver. I hope you are able to find time to slow down, process and take care of yoruself. I hope you are able to take space even for a few hours to do what you enjoy. It takes a lot of strength and courage to show up and take care of others, especially when you are hurting yourself. You deserve time to grieve and process as well. Sending love - taylor

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