From urmetalheadtaxprofessional i can relate to th

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Belongs to: Maty Madiro from From Ashes to New - Interview on Loneliness 10/10/22
From urmetalheadtaxprofessional: I can relate to this :100::100::100:. There’s some things I do wanna add though. These past couple months I haven’t been working as much. My husband has been working a lot though. The amount of stress and anxiety when I’m home and he’s at work strains on me. It then leads to a lot of self guilt, and I get down on myself a lot when he’s home. He always tries to reassure me that everything’s OK, I’m not falling apart, etc. I’ll have to admit that I keep telling myself that even when he tries to reassure me otherwise. It’s nothing he did, it’s just that I become a hard person to reassure when my stress level becomes strenuous.