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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #732
From waytooucey: the thought of anxiety has pushed me to the brink of suicide. But recently I have been working hard to keep a balanced life and appreciate the opportunity to live. @timmcilrath and @riseagainst music inspires me every day


Hey Friend, Anxiety is indeed a horrible thing to manage as you just never know when its going to hit you and anything that hits when you least expect it is something that can be fearful. I think its great that you are working on keeping your life balanced, that is not an easy thing to do. Im really proud of you for doing that. I would however like to also say that anxiety and anxiety can be managed in the moment with learned techniques, there is one called the 54321 technique, I would encourage you to look that up and just maybe keep a link to it incase you ever need it. It does work and may make the thought of being anxious a little easier to bare if it happens in the future. I wish you well. Lisa. x

waytooucey, yeah it’s hard to stay balanced when it feels like everyday you’re going to be knocked over by some blindsiding anxiety. And it takes you out. So you have to fight just to rightsize yourself again. It’s that nauseating, unrelenting loop - and that hopelessness of never being able to escape that … day after day after day erodes your willingness and resilience to restart, to try again. There’s only so much you can take. It’s impressive the fight you have to continue today. I can only imagine how hard the lows can be. And for you to find ways (like through music, and working hard to find balance) to keep your head above water - powerful. Thank you for choosing to share here