From whenkoppsattack so i moved to a small town wi

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From whenkoppsattack: So I moved to a small town with my folks. I moved from Florida to Illinois. Back in Florida I had friends, book stores and places I loved going to. Here in the town we moved to, we just have a goodwill and a Walmart. There is a record store that I love going to that’s out of town and it’s incredible. It does bring light back into my life. Ever since I’ve moved from Florida, I’ve been struggling. I lost my job last year, something I was good at and had a lot of hope riding into it. I’ve been sort of lost because of it for well over a year and I’ve been trying to find the right fit for me ever since. At the beginning of the year, I met someone who meant a lot to me and every time I was with them I felt a spark come back into my life and it just felt right. She meant the world to me and I thought we had something going. We were friends for months and she never told me she was engaged to someone. I actually found out through a relative of mine. It felt so right and my heart was torn into two and I wanted something to finally go right in my life when a lot of things felt like they were going wrong. I really had liked this person and thought I had that click that I always look for in someone else. You just feel it and it feels lovely. I have always struggled with relationships. I see so many couples online and I feel stupid and ugly because I go “why can’t I have that?” “Why can’t something work out for me” I know it’s filtered but I would like to be enough for myself at the end of the day and allow the right relationship to come when it comes. I just hate being sad all the time due to past traumas and the feeling that I’ll never be enough for someone special to me

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@whenkoppsattack I just sometimes feel like I don’t belong, I feel alien, I feel like people hate me. There’s no reason for it, I know there isn’t. I know people like me and that it’s my brain messing with me. I just get so sick and tired of being sick and tired over heartbreak and people playing with my emotions

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