Gaza and Israel

I have some friends on Twitter/X who have lost relatives, friends and colleagues in Gaza. One is a lady journalist who has lost multiple colleagues. Please can HS suggest where people should go for free or low-cost PTSD and Bereavement Counselling?


I couldn’t find anything specific in HS, but I keyworded a search online and found several of what appear to be possibilities. I don’t want to recommend sites that aren’t a good fit, especially since your friend’s circumstances are unique and the sites I found were more generalized. The keyword I used was “free bereavement counseling.” I did see a few that offer online meetings.

I hope the conflict ends soon.

Hi there – hopefully this may help:

Since they’re online friends, I’d suggest searching for local treatment options here:

You can filter by payment assistance options (e.g., sliding scale) and payment/insurance/funding accepted (e.g., Medicaid, TRICARE, private insurance)

For quick de-escalation and 1:1 assistance finding local treatment options, Crisis Text Line: 741741

Holding so many close at this time.