Girl i want a hug the same trauma happened to me i

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Girl I want a hug the same trauma happened to me! I was raped in front of a bunch of people who didn’t stop it at all


Sending you an electronic hug although I know it’s not the same! :hugs: :people_hugging: I cannot imagine the pain or disempowering feelings around your experience. People are evil, pure and simple. They commit terrible atrocities against each other or sit idly by and do nothing while evil actions are taken. I am so sorry you were the victim of such evil.
While evil is terrible and a strong presence in the world, I choose to believe the power of a love that surpasses understanding also works behind the scenes. I hope that while you have suffered from the darkness, you will also experience great love and light in your lifetime. For all the evil, I hope that you will experience love double fold. A passage from the book of Isaiah 61 says,
“To all who mourn
he will give a crown of beauty for ashes,
a joyous blessing instead of mourning,
festive praise instead of despair.”
This is my prayer for you-- that out of your ashes will be a crown of beauty and out of mourning will spring joyous blessing. May you have peace in every area of anxiety. And comfort in every area of pain. Thanks for reaching out to heartsupport! <3 Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out!

I’m so sorry friend that you have experienced such level of pain and betrayal. Experiencing something so horrific, but the added layer of having others witness it and do nothing is just infiuriating and heartbreaking. It makes it hard to trust anyone with yourself when you witness firsthand such brutality and lack of humanity around you. It’s like there’s this huge, painful thing inside you that others can’t see or understand. You carry this weight around, and it colors everything, from your interactions, to your relationships, to even how you see yourself. People should have helped you, the should have intervened. It hurts to feel abandoned during a moment when you needed others the most.

I understand personally how must this type of wound feel like it will never really heals. It’s always there, always hurting, giving you this impression of being so alone while surrounded by people. There’s the assault itself, then there’s the emotional devastation of being left to endure it without help. Over time, the memories and the flashbacks are just overwhelming. It’s so hard to wrap our head around that kind of reality, even when we are the ones who were victim of it. It’s like you’re trapped in that moment, reliving it over and over again. The world feels less safe, less kind, and it’s so understandable that you’d feel a desperate need for comfort, for a hug, for someone to just hold you and let you know you’re not alone. It leaves this void that’s hard to fill, a wound that’s hard to heal.

However you feel today, your pain is valid. You deserve to be heard and understood. Know that we see you here.:heart: