This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.
Belongs to: Pearl Jam's Black does such a beautiful job
God, that line hits hard after this year. I don’t want to be here anymore.
This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.
Belongs to: Pearl Jam's Black does such a beautiful job
God, that line hits hard after this year. I don’t want to be here anymore.
Hi Friend, It sounds like you have been through a tough time this year? I am so sorry for that. I am glad however that you are still standing and fighting.
Sometimes life can throw some dreadful things our way, some truly dreadful things and the thought of having to carry on through and after those things, through pain that hurts so much that it feels that you have been torn in to pieces, your body and mind hurts so badly that you want to rip into it because you don’t know how else to express how much it hurts or as you have stated, you just feel you cannot face anymore and dont want to live. All of that is real, every emotion every inch of pain is real and experienced, I have experienced all of those at times over the years and I do not know what you have been through or the pain you have suffered but what I do know is, it will get easier, you may feel whatever tragedy you have had for a long time but it will lessen in its intensity, you will learn to live with who you are now and how you feel now, it is a cliche that time heals all wounds but it is also very true, it really does. I am also sure that the people that love you do not want to lose you, your life matters.
Again I am so sorry for your situation and I truly hope that moving forward life gets easier and you begin to feel like you can begin to live a good life again. best of luck lisa. x
Thanks so much for opening up. We wanted to share a request from a Pearl-Jam fan that was similar to yours. They said:
I don’t want to be here.
If it’s helpful, here’s what one of our repliers wrote in response to them:
Hey @Rosethorn,
How have you been doing since you posted?
I hope you manage to find some ways to take care of yourself.
Thinking of you.
Thank you for your courage.