Happy with Life

I’ve been so busy for the last 7 months it’s been great. I got my first photography offer to do my friends photos for his prom in March and it was a great time. Then also this month just last week I got to start my art job at an art center called neighborhood center of the arts where i make art and sell it locally. Me and my dad are finally getting along well and haven’t fought in months over anything. I got rid of all the toxic friends in my life and I feel free of all the hatred they had towards me before. I also have been doing a class called Qi Gong for a while now and I feel really relaxed im that class every other Thursday. I’m finally feeling the happiest I ever been in a while and it feels like my depression has lowered and my therapist said it’s in remission finally which is good. I haven’t been depressed in about a year almost and it feels great to finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with my dream careers of being a photographer and an artist.


Hey Ricky
OMG it is so good to hear from you and with such an amazing post, Thank you so very much for the update. I am beyond proud of where you have come and what you have accomplished. Everything you have said here is because you made the effort to try, to help yourself and make the changes you needed to make in order for your life to improve. You should also be beyond proud Ricky. I hope your dad is too and that you both continue to live healthy and happy lives together. Best of luck dear friend. Lisa.x


Hello again, RickyP! It is so lovely to hear from you again after so long and such a lovely post to read as well.

I’m so happy for you and all the wonderful progress you’ve made in your life. Getting to make money doing something you absolutely love is the best thing one can hope for and I’m so thrilled that you are making that dream a reality. But I’m especially glad to hear that your social life has been doing so well. Getting rid of toxic friends and getting along with your dad are wonderful improvements and the social aspects of our lives truly can affect everything else in life as well. I hope that you’ve managed to replace those friend with a few better ones or you are at least open to finding those connections if you haven’t yet.

You are a wonderful person and I hope that everything continues going well for you! I’m just so happy reading this post. Good luck out there :hrtlegolove:

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