Having a good day

I’m having a pretty good day today. It might be because I had a good sleep last night, though I would’ve like to wake up a little bit earlier today. I do think it was the few drinks I had last night which tired me out and helped me sleep, but I wouldn’t be doing that as a daily remedy! I did like feeling well-rested throughout the day which helped me be productive. I was able to clean my room and move my clothes from old drawers to a new one. I also cooked burgers with my family and I gotta say, I do enjoy cooking a lot. It’s just a shame that I feel like I never have the time for it. I probably do, but I normally get so exhausted most days. I’m about to study now and hope that I don’t get too tired. I start uni again tomorrow and I want to get into a routine and really do my best.

My article for the uni magazine might be published after all, though it’s a shorter piece than I had wanted it to be… But it’s still an accomplishment to me because I really want to start doing more creative things. I’m generally feeling good right now, but I’m also trying not to think too much about things that worry me.


What a productive day, @Misty! It’s so good when we end up the day feeling more accomplished, just as if everything happens smoothly and is at the right place. Well done, friend. These are victories to celebrate and to be proud of.

Do you know already a bit of your schedule with the uni? It will help to organize your time and build new routines. All in all, take it easy. Make sure to not try to change everything at once. Routines take time to be built. You got this! :hrtlegolove:

PS - I have noticed your new drawings! So good!


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hello again, misty! This is a wonderful post to read. I’m glad you had such a good day and I hope the trend continues and you keep having good days. They are so awesome for you and lovely to read about.

How did your first day back at uni go? I hope the positive feelings from yesterday helped keep your spirits up for your return to your studies.

I like your thoughts of wanting to focus on the good moments and not worry about the unknowns in life. I hope you manage to keep that outlook and :crossed_fingers: your article ends up in the uni mag.

Keep on smiling and keep on this contented trend. You are awesome! :hrtlegolove:


Hey there @Misty,

I’m so glad to hear that you are doing better! Food and sleep are amazing restorative things and I’m glad that you have been able to put some time into yourself! I’m also so glad that you have had a bit more energy; that sounds amazing.

I hope you enjoy your university experience and hope that this happier time continues!

<3 -Tuna


From: twixremix

hi misty!

i’m so happy to hear you had a really good day! the wonders of a good night’s sleep are incredible, aren’t they? i agree with you that drinking shouldn’t be a sustainable remedy for sleep but there are helpful sleep aides and techniques that could help your sleeping routine be a lil’ better! personally, i like watching those kinetic sand asmr videos to chill out before bed. also really happy to read that you were able to be so productive and even got to cook delicious burgers with the fam. hope you can find time and energy in the future to cook more - i can tell you really enjoy it so hopefully better sleep can enable more cooking time!

i’m super proud of you for putting together that magazine article - that’s exciting that it has the chance to be published too! in the end though, you put a lot of work and effort into that article and you should be proud of yourself for that. i know i am after reading your progress over your past posts. wishing you a smooth and relaxing week ahead, my friend, and i hope you can take some time to find good ways to manage your sleep schedule so you can feel more rested throughout the day! keep this positive progress going, misty, you’re doing awesome!



Hey, there misty! I’m amazed that you are doing better! I very much hope that you stay on this path! It’s incredible that you’re doing way better. Please, keep us updated and let us know what’s going on in life. Again, I hope you do stay on this path! Keep well Misty



Wow! You really were accomplished! I love that you took the time to list it all out so you can really see how many things you managed to do and how you felt about them.

Here’s hoping that tomorrow is even better!


Hi @Micro ! It definitely was a great day and my first day back at uni wasn’t too bad. I do wish I could feel well rested all the time, as it does make a huge difference in my energy levels and productivity.

I have my schedule with uni already, but I’m worried that I’ll get too tired or sidetracked that I won’t have enough time to keep up. But things are going well right now and I’m more organized with a plan to finish my upcoming assignments. I always appreciate your replies, and I’m so glad you like my drawings!!

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Hello eloquentpetrichor! I really enjoyed my first day back at uni. I had a class with a lecturer I’ve had before and we actually crossed paths going to class so we had a chat on the way there. The positive start is really good for me, since I feel like I need to work on a lot of things I didn’t do so well on last time and I’m in a pretty good mindset so I know how and where to improve. Thank you for your reply!

Hi twixremix, I absolutely love the feeling of getting a good night’s sleep! I know I need to get into a routine and that’s something I want to work on. I just end up doing too much work because I get tired easily. I do like to fall asleep to relaxing music, most of the time it works! I’ve also bought more ingredients to cook some pasta which I’m excited to do for my lunch tomorrow. I am happy that you’re proud of me, that really means a lot! I am proud too, for being able to take the opportunity to write for my uni magazine. Thank you for your reply!