He is dead

i wish i was not late
i wish u were here
i wish i could tell you how much i miss you
i wish you cared about me, cause i do
i wish u didn’t leave
i just wished i could hug you tightly and tell the world how much you meant to me

i love you <3


Thank you for sharing your heart, @bianka.

Thinking of you today. I hope this is for you the beginning of a new journey for a peace you deserve. Take care of yourself, as much as possible and as much as you need. This world is better with you in it, and you will find your way to carry on that love for two.

PS - Just lit a candle earlier for your friend, and for your heart to be filled with a deep sense of love today. Here it will keep burning for the rest of the evening until it fades naturally. But still the light of the people you love will keep living through you. Always. It’s a blessing to see you sharing that voice here. :hrtlegolove:

hey @Micro
This just made my eyes cry…is that weird? (i dont know)
Thank you so so much! It means a lot! His 2nd year aniversary is coming…since he left us! <3
<3 take care

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This just made my eyes cry…is that weird? (i dont know)

Well, sometimes tears just happen because they are needed. Nothing weird with that, really. This is about a loss in your life, an event that creates pain. It’s okay to cry when you need it. There is no wrong way to feel when you are grieving. There’s what you feel. And that’s okay. :hrtlegolove:

Seeing your other post I understand now what you are dealing with. Losing someone anyone sucks! But you got this and we are always here for you if you need a friend reach out. You can find people that care over at Twitch.TV/Heartsupport

Tell them Phantom sent you I as well Stream and are there for you stop by anytime! Twitch.TV/The_Phantom0288

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