Heart Pain

I’ve never really opened up about this but…my girlfriend recently dumped me and broke up with me due to her mom saying I wasn’t good enough for her. And that destroyed me, it hurts so bad. After I’ve given her everything she’s asked always been there and given her a time of day. I’m not good enough for her. Her mom is making her go on dates with other people. Yet my ex is willing, but she wants me to get better with my mental health. So we both are struggling with mental health and we decided that we should work on out mental health first. So she wants me to get better. Yet she’s going on dates with other people. I can’t get better it’s to much pain. Watching the person I love slip away and fall for someone else possibly. Wants the point of getting better and going on if I’m in so much pain cause she’s with other people and I miss her. I want her back and I can’t even have her. I’ve never felt pain like this before, never, yet the pain never seems to stop. I don’t see a point of going on. I want to lay in my bed crying as I harm myself. But between work, school. I have no time for anything. No family, friends, alone time. There’s no point anymore. I can’t keep this pain inside me. I have to let it out someone other way. She wants me to be happy and says I haven’t been truly happy. But I was truly happy when we were together. I guess she couldn’t see that…:pensive:



Hi. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the community. It means a lot to us (HeartSupport). I’m sorry your ex- broke up with because of her mom. It’s not right. Your ex- should make her own decisions and not let someone decides for her. It’s not your fault. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Also, don’t neglect your family and friends. You’ll never know if they are going to listen to you. Give them a chance. It’s good you are focusing on taking care of your mental health. That’s important. Keep it up. I encourage you to love yourself first. If you want to share more, this forum is open for you. I hope you are having a safe day, and thank you for sharing your story. God bless. Stay strong.

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Man, break ups are hard. Especially when it’s because someone made you feel like you’re not good enough. ): I’m sorry. I completely understand those emotions. I am probably a little older but the emotions are the same. My ex husbands family did not like me. I have a lot of mental health issues. I’m autistic, I’m bipolar I struggle with PTSD and ADHD and they just felt like he could do better than me. And they always were sure to tell me. It sucks I know.

But you know what, despite what these people may think or say, you deserve to be loved! You are NOT disposable! What they say does not make or break your self worth. You still hold value even if they don’t see it. And I’m sorry that these people left you feeling otherwise. It’s really crappy.

Maybe right now instead of jumping into a relationship you can take a minute to self reflect a little bit. (: What kinds of things bring you happiness? What makes you feel good? What kinds of things do you want to achieve? What are some of your goals currently? Why do you think that these people don’t feel you are truly happy? Do you think there is something maybe you could be aware of and try to improve on?

I know for me there was a point in my life that I got really stuck on being negative sometimes and wasn’t very good at being more positive. It made some people push from me. Maybe this isn’t the case for you, I am not you so I cant say. But just know, no matter what you are going through, YOU ARE LOVABLE <3 Don’t let anyone convince you of anything different. There are so many other people out there. Find the ones that love and cherish you as you are <3 Who lift you up. But also don’t be afraid to hear people when they offer healthy advice. It’s okay to need to improve. And it’s okay for people to gently remind us. But only if its in a gentle way. Not someone tearing us down. Its healthy to be open minded.

Sending you lots of love my friend. You matter. Your feelings matter. <3

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Hey @Aidanblue,

It’s been a moment since you posted this, but man… you’ve been so brave by sharing and reaching out. Thank you. Really. :heart:

It’s so hard to go through a breakup… I hope you’ve been okay since you posted this, at least as much as possible in these circumstances. I feel your pain. Sharing your life with someone can be difficult when both of the people involved in the relationship are struggling. With my beloved one, we’ve been in quite a similar situation recenly… due to present circumstances but also difficulties from our pasts. Now we live seperately and couldn’t do it differently than keeping some distance. It’s hard, it really is. But somehow taking care of ourselves, working on our mental health is also a healthy thing to do.

I’m so sorry to hear that your girlfriend go on dates with other people. I’ve been wondering the same about my significant other recently and it broke my heart to think about it. I feel for you. Sincerely. I’m rooting for you. And as I’m aware that words are sometimes not enough, I just want you to know that you’re not alone. You matter, your well-being matter. I can only encourage you to try to take care of yourself, to be kind to yourself as much as possible, and not to isolate too much.

Hang in there. :heart: