Heart support i could really use some help i don t

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Belongs to: Therapist Reads the Diary of a Madman by Ozzy Osbourne
@ heart support, I could really use some help. I don’t see a way out. I’m trying so hard to hold on for my son until he is an adult, but I don’t know how much longer I can last.


Hey friend, I’m so sorry to hear you’re feeling this way but suicide is not a solution to any kind of problem, it only transfers all of your hurt and pain onto your loved ones. I’m so proud and glad that you’re reaching out. Carrying all of these emotions is an incredibly draining state to be in and it’s important that you let others know to help you through this. Your son needs you but YOU deserve support friend. You deserve life and compassion and you do not deserve to feel like suicide is your only option regardless of your problems. You don’t have to go through this alone, and there are people who truly care about helping you through difficult moments. Keep reaching out friend, and please speak to someone close to you if you can, you are not alone.

Thanks for reaching out for help. It can be really hard holding space for others as you are for your son and taking care of yourself at the same time. You matter! You are not alone!


hey friend,

i’m so sorry you’re feeling stuck and for fighting as hard and as long as you have. thank you for sharing your emotions like this song suggests. your son is blessed to have you as his parent. i understand you completely when things get so dark, so hopeless that we can’t see that light at the end of the tunnel - i’ve been there. you have infinite value and a life to live still for yourself as well as for your son. by you continuing to fight forward, despite the immense difficulty, i hope that a day comes soon for you to look back at your journey and feel relief that you stuck around. because you deserve the better days that lie ahead for you. i’m so proud of you for taking this huge step forward of expressing your pain in these comments - it takes immense bravery to do so and i hope you can continue to express all that you feel and lean on loved ones and communities like here at heartsupport. we understand you, we hear you, and we value you. thank you for being here and i hope to hear from you again soon. you’ll be in my thoughts & will be sending strength your way. you got this! i believe in YOU!


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Hey there friend,

thank you so much for reaching out. It takes a lot of courage to do so, and we are here to help you. Life can throw us some pretty tough, cruel, and crazy challenges. But we can get through these challenges together. We believe in strength in numbers. Carrying a stone by yourself can seem impossible at times, but with the help of some good people it can be very manageable.

We hear you. And we see you. This first step of communicating is often the most important. And you took that step. Is there anything in particular you want to chat about?

Music can be extremely cathartic as well. So thank you for keeping the tunes bumping!



It’s so hard when you’ve been living day to day, hour to hour and even for years on end with this burden of feeling like your existence only matters because someone depends on you. To feel like you’re only hanging on and trying for the sake of not hurting someone. I know I’ve had those moments where it all felt way too much and it feels like an even heavier burden knowing that the only way to hold on is because you have to for the sake of someone else.

Sometimes we create a life built on being and doing for someone else. It’s hard not to when it comes to a child, but our entire worth and being comes down to providing and giving. It’s really hard to find a place outside of that. Of finding worth for the fact that we are beings who have worth regardless of our role in other’s lives.

I hope to be an encouragement that speaks to that side of you. Who speaks to the person you are as an individual with your own thoughts and feelings, to say I see you. To say that the people in our lives are remarkably different because of the presence we have and not for what we offer them.

I know that it’s not always clear cut and it’s not always easy to sit in the stillness that comes with having to find your own self. It feels selfish to take moments to enjoy what you like for the simple reason you enjoy them and don’t have to share it with anyone else, but really it’s an important habit. For me it’s sitting in my garden and reading, getting my nails done, binging silly shows over and over. For me it’s little projects like crocheting myself a blanket and not feeling guilt for not giving to anyone else.

Those little habits in turn work towards building this self love. They work towards being able to say “I deserve this”. And the truth is that you do deserve it along with all the love that your son can offer you, along with all the love this community can offer you

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