Heartsupport but it does no good to talk when your

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to All Out Life By Slipknot
@heartsupport But it does no good to talk when your only talking to yourself which is my problem. When I’m stuck and can’t get no where at all. Can’t get no help can’t get shit and it’s been this way for 20 years and I honestly don’t see it getting better seeing how I can’t find anyone to even remotely close to even doing anything that I do as far as treating people with respect and kindness so

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

It takes me like 10 years to moved on my past trauma and low-self esteem. There are reasons people talk to themselves. People just wanted to improve themselves. I talked to myself because it bring me confidence and peace. It’s habit that you need to practice but it takes a short or long time. You need that positivity to make you feel better. If you are saying that: “I’m a loser for the rest of my life”, you aren’t willing to change about yourself. Also, you will feel depress & frustrated. We all have flaws but you can change those negative habits. Treat yourself like eating your favorite food when your habits are getting better! Rewards will make you feel motivated to do something. That’s good that you are kind & respect others. Not everyone is nice in this world. Sometimes kindness can make a huge impact with your life. You don’t sound like awful person as you think. I believed that you wouldn’t be stuck forever.

Hey there my friend. I appreciate your post quite a bit and parts of it hit home. My story might be different than yours, but I think that we’ve felt incredibly similarly, though from different angles heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - Heartsupport but it does no good to talk when your - Social Media / Support - YouTube - heartsupport — Mozilla Firefox - 16 April 2024 | Loom