Heartsupport everytime i hear this song i start cr

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hate Myself by NF
@Heartsupport Everytime I hear this song I start crying. I just keep hearing the self hatred I have in it. I love the perspective here. There may be another voice.


NF has always been a favorite artist of mine to listen to because he has always been real about everything that he has dealt with or is currently dealing with. He is very good at putting a spotlight on all the dark part of his “mansion.” He is also very good at highlighting the hope for anyone that listens to him, even if he doesn’t fully believe it himself.

He is doing again here with a topic that so many people, including myself, struggle with. It is hard to hear that other voice in your head because the self hatred one has the microphone turned up as loud as it will go, but that other voice still screams has hard as it can to be heard over all the noise. Something that I have to remind myself that just because a voice is the loudest, doesn’t mean that it is right. Just because that voice tries to drown out all the other thoughts, doesn’t make it the best one.

Self love is a hard thing to give yourself and I still struggle with it to this day. I feel that it is something that I will always have to struggle with, but I do find myself having days where that voice doesn’t have the microphone. The other voice still has not found it’s way to the microphone yet, but I count any day where the self hatred voice is silenced as a good day.

Thank you for sharing your story and if you have days where you can’t find the other voice in your head, we will be that voice for you. You matter, we love you and we are happy that you are apart of this community.