HeartSupport Fan #107

I’ve been struggling with anxiety lately. School, work, family stress - it’s a lot. I’m glad I was able to come to Heartsupport today though


From: Manni XP - Snow Edition

Thank you for sharing! Anxiety’s so tough to deal with, and it seems like one of those things that a lot of people underestimate until they also experience it. Please feel welcome to post any time you need to talk. Also, please know that we also feel glad that you came here today!


From: eloquentpetrichor

Hey there :hrtlegolove: I’m glad you came to post about your struggle and that you feel safe talking about it here. Anxiety can be so annoying especially when it invades multiple parts of our life like yours. Please remember to take small moments through the day to just breathe and let the concerns and pressures of life fade away. It can be as simple as a couple minutes of closing your eyes and breathing deep or letting yourself play a quick game on your phone or watch a silly and relaxing video on youtube. Some things I like watching on youtube are people cleaning things. Like one guy who cleans filthy rugs. For some reason it is very relaxing. I hope that you can find some things to help you relax and help you deal with your anxiety. Good luck :hrtlegolove:

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The entire Heartsupport community is also so very glad that you came across this place at a time when you really needed it. It’s so important to have places that act as a refuge to us, that are safe and help us breathe away for all the stressors of life. It sounds that you’ve been really having a lot on your plate lately, and I’m really sorry for it. Anxiety in itself is such a heavy burden. It puts this veil in front of absolutely everything and makes us devote so much more energy to things that should be easier, that should feel lighter. I wish with all my heart that anxiety wasn’t part of your personal experiences. From someone who’s life has been heavily shaped by anxiety, my heart goes out to you. On top of it, there is school, work and family that add their share of stressors too. It’s a lot to handle at the same time, but it’s also really good that you’ve managed to put it into words. It creates a little bit of distance with out worries, help us feel less overwhelmed by them.

Through all of this, I hope that you manage to find time to breathe, rest, slow down. Fear and stress makes us feel like everything is urgent while, really, what matters the most in these situations is our own well-being, our emotional safety. Whether you find some peace through gentle acts of self-care, doing things you like, taking breaks or time away all of your daily commitments/responsibilities, I wish for you to cultivate these moments – could they be short or long. You deserve to take breaks and recharge. I’m rooting for you and wishing you all the best, friend. Looking forward to seeing you maybe one day in other spaces provided by the community – like on Discord or on Twitch. You’re loved. <3