HeartSupport_Fans Content #115

Been their @jesse_d_leach thanks for being an awesome roll model to the world & for sharing your story with us much love from New Zealand brother :new_zealand: :heart: :pray::metal:

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Yeah man it sucks. Ive dealt with a bad bealt of anxiety for a long time, constant panic attacks. Everyday one feels like theyre dieing. The panic attacks brings phantom symptoms to life usually mimiking a heart attack. Dizziness, heart racing/palputating, chest pain, verge of passing out. Its usually triggered with alcohol or caffeine, stress. Is it hereditary or burying shit deep down? Probably both. I know what you mean death seems easier than living with this on a daily basis.

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Lookin forward to seeing you do your craft tonight in WA. Saw you in Seattle last time y’all came through with Light The Torch and I really enjoyed your style of vocals and the heart you put into the songs. Thank you for what you do. I’ll be the one in a bright yellow smiley face shirt :metal:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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Much love. :raised_hands:=============

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@heartsupport I’m glad you got through the most vulnerable, the lowest. And thank you for being brave enough to continue talking about it. As long as we are brave enough to speak up and communicate, depression and anxiety will become less frightening. Our life is full of anxiety, difficulties, depression, sadness, and so on complex emotions. We face the pressure of life and the gossip behind others’ backs. There are times when we are depressed, depressed, and want to run away from the world. At some point, we will feel very tired. It’s okay not to try if you’re tired. Don’t be in a hurry to find the exit of the tunnel, we will always be with each other in the dark.

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The same. Severe depression and anxiety :cry:. It’s hard for me to get by daily due to health issues but I keep pushing on. I have a dog :dog2: I resued and had her licensed as my emotional support dog. She has saved my life more than once. I’m not embarrassed to say I have issues. @heartsupport @jesse_d_leach

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