HeartSupport_Fans Content #120

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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Throughout the course of my life, music and expression have maintained at the forefront of everything I do. I started writing and singing when I was very young, and what seems like a lifetime later I’m blessed to be able to do the same thing at a professional level.

While music has given me countless opportunities to express myself and be creative, I consistently struggle with anxiety and being an introverted person.

Recognizing that I have these, what I refer to as “big feelings”, it can be extremely difficult to navigate through them consistently in a way that’s conducive to my wellbeing. There are days when I won’t look at my phone, where I won’t get out of bed. Weeks where I would avoid any contact with the world outside my own.

While navigating through these emotions, there’s a sense of vulnerability and solace I have found when it comes to expressing myself in the most genuine way I possibly can. Being able to write and sing and scream has become such a cathartic outlet to process through the moments of grief I’ve experienced in my life.

These emotions come in waves, big and small, and I do my best every day to ride these waves the best I can.

As we ride these waves, we don’t have to do it alone. Music is my way of communicating with the world, but it’s not the only way you can share your story right here right now. On this world mental health day I invite you to open up about what your struggling with in the comments. Share your story and tag @heartsupport and their community will respond to you with encouragement

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportvets @hsdevtest @hsdevtest2
@tearsontourofficial #wmhd #worldmentalhealthday #wmhd2022 #worldmentalhealthday2022

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Beautifully said=========

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I relate to a lot of this. A constant feeling of uncertainty, guardedness, powerlessness, always grieving over injustices I have personally experienced or have witnessed, a chronic health condition, and just never feeling like I can fully authentically express myself and be loved and accepted unconditionally as I fully am. It’s difficult to navigate for sure. I feel like an alien on another planet with a hostel race.

We still very clearly live at a primitive time in human history and that’s a scary realization to have. I’m glad you’re still expressing yourself through music after all this time. Take care.

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@craigowens much blessing #worldmentalhealth.

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My daughter suffers from anxiety really bad she can be introvert as well makes her not communicate w others, she shuts down not wanting to go to school no motivation to do school work, she would have manic episodes what help her was therapy but she is going through the motions, one day at a time, be strong, have strength, music is the best therapy you can have to express your emotions through Art.

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When u don’t know what to do with your hands


Thanks for sharing… You’re so incredibly strong!! Fate loves the fearless… Emotionally intelligent, introvert & empathy is a super power! :dizzy::white_heart:

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:fire: this is a cool photo===


@craigowens PLEASE WATXH MY STORY I AM SO FIRE YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS :two_hearts::rocket::two_hearts::rocket:


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You are not alone @craigowens ! :black_heart:

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Big love, Craig :heart::black_heart: your music is helpful for us too so please never stop!

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I’ve struggled with anxiety most of my life. It took me a while to ask for help but now I have a great therapist. I highly recommend if you are struggling to ask for help. It makes such a big difference. :heart:

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I’ve always struggled with anxiety myself. Sometimes it’s minor. Sometimes it leads to depression. Seeing a therapist regularly, even if just to give me an hour to talk about whatever I want to, is extremely beneficial. To all other anxious people, I see you!

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