HeartSupport_Fans Content #2075

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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Life is a constant cycle of birth-death- rebirth (not physically but emotionally) everything is temporary. The temporary nature can either feel freeing or terrifying!

We often try to grasp onto joy in fear of losing it and try to run from pain in fear of facing it. Accepting that both joy and pain will always exist can be a difficult task.

Is it hard for you to release control? Or accept that everything is temporary?? Share how in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and you’ll be entered to win a @silentplanetband merch bundle!

@heartsupportwall @heartsupportwall2

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Do Beartooths new jam next!! :laughing::joy:

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True. Grasping/clinging in Buddhism is a primary source of our emotional suffering. I have trouble with accepting things as they are.

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I’ve given up control but have found myself in a perplexing state of numbness. I am just tired.

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Releasing control can be a double edge sword. It’s hard to embrace change but it’s also hard to live in our comfort zone that continues to spin the wheel. Learning how to say no and create boundaries is a very tough pill to swallow, but essential for our mental health and longevity. @heartsupport

@heartsupport I always feel so helpless in this world so I try to hold on to the little control that I think I have. I know the feeling of control slipping through my fingers all too well, so I try to grab all the small things and control the hell out of it

@heartsupport It’s very hard for me to release control, I feel like I need to be in control all the time or risk feeling out of control and manic. Every time I give control to others I get anxious, but that anxiety feels self-inflicted, because I was the one who handed control to the other person.

@heartsupport absolutely. Especially when I’ve had such lows, feeling the highs and knowing they won’t last forever is terrifying.