HeartSupport_Fans Content #2353

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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Do you find yourself always worried about what other people think? Or trying to change yourself to be something you’re not?? Share in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll provide encouragement!!

Song: Assencionsim by @sleep_token

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So true. When you put a mask on to recieve love, only your mask gets loved. Eventually you’ll find yourself empty and wanting more

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I’ve dealt with this in my past - I was in a very abusive relationship with an alcoholic boyfriend. I gave up drinking almost immediately but it took me years to escape him. I’m only now building a stronger foundation for myself! I’m 46 now and met him when I was 27, and I turn 47 in a month. Happy birthday to the end of the toxicity! I feel this post with all of my :purple_heart:.

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This song is absolute :fire:==

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After years of abandonment by so many, I’m always changing myself to attempt to not be left again. I realized that I’m not the same in every relationship I’m in and it’s exhausting and so pointless. I’m slowly trying to bring out who I think I am but I haven’t been ‘Me’ for so long that I’m trying to figure it out for myself along the way. Really sucks :weary:

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