HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564

I am 34 and cannot have children. I always thought I’d be able to choose, but you see life in a different lense when you can no longer choose. I found out in 2022 that I had borderline cancerous tumors on each ovary. The day after my hysterectomy I lost all my blood, I went into cardiac arrest and was put into a coma. I was in the ICU for a week and a regular hospital room a combined 3 weeks. I struggle daily with the loss of myself, I’m not the same as I used to be, I was so heartbroken for myself and what I went through. Therapy helps, and I just recently got an ESA puppy to help with my depression. One day at a time :heart:

I’ve been struggling with overcoming trauma from being controlled and mentally, sexually, and physically abused in previous relationships. I struggle with conflict, abandonment, and self love. Today I am in EMDR therapy trying to overcome my own toxic behaviors I learned from these abusive relationships, let go of the hold the trauma has on me, and learn to be healthy and love myself. Today I am in a healthy relationship for the first time in my life and sometimes struggle with being healthy in the relationship. I always fear he’ll leave like everyone else did.

Honestly if this new album is remotely based on losing a dog, that’s reason enough for me🔥

My wife passed away in February a month after my birthday. She had been bed ridden and suffering from an illness the last three years of her life. I was fortunate to get a job working from home to be her caregiver. She’s my soulmate and best friend. 11 years together just wasn’t enough.

loss has been a big part of my life lately. I lost 2 grandparents this summer, within one month of each other. i was very close with both of them. it has been an incredibly difficult experience and I know I will never be the same after it. I just loved them both so much. I am grateful that I feel supported by my friends and family. and of course music.

I am dealing of a loss of a mother who committed suicide in December of 2015 at that time I was about 16 I didn’t really understand what was going on and why she was depressed and she wasn’t open on why she was depressed either. All she said that she had felt that Jesus had left the family. My last goodbye to her I said “I love you” before I took off to the school bus and she couldn’t say it back because she knew what she had planned that day. After I had left for school I get called home and got bad news that she had taken her life right after I left the house. To this day I never really found out why she did because she never left a single note for me…

I have been struggling with the loss of my dog. 2 days ago, I watched her get euthanized. She was only 10 and she was a small dog. She was full of energy and made life interesting and she taught me patience. She was super cute and loved to cuddle with. She got super sick and couldn’t hold down food or water and the vet said she had diabetes and pancreatitis and her bloodwork was showing organ failure. Very quick and unexpected. She died in my sister’s arms.

My wife and I were expecting twin boys and last month both of them were stillborn. It feel like the world should have stopped but somehow we are still expected to keep going.

In the last 3 months the lives of my grandmother, my cousin, my uncle and my best friend have all left this world. I feel a mass exodus and an anxiety of who will be next. It’s really lonely feeling

I feel you @silentgarrett

The loss of my marriage still hurts, 4-5 years later. Lost my cousin in January at only 26.

My brother died in a car wreck on December 9th, because of the negligence of the other driver. He has a 2 year old daughter and his wife was 6 months pregnant. My brother was my closest friend, and I have struggled so hard with why this had to happen. I question why I am alive, and he is dead. I feel like the wrong one of us died that night, and if I am still here, what is my purpose? Is there any point or purpose? It’s been 8 months, and the pain is just as consuming as when it first happened. I feel a burden to somehow be ok for my parents and everyone who is missing my brother, but I am far from being anywhere close to ok. I’ve been in constant fear of someone else I love dying suddenly, and I have forgotten what peace feels like. Like @silentgarrett said, the person I want to be able to talk about this with, is gone. My niece still asks when daddy is coming home, even though we have told her in an age appropriate way what has happened. My nephew will never know his dad. My husband and I can’t have kids, and that makes me feel even more that it should have been me that died instead.

“A person in exile” I truly feel that. And now all those motions of life and special conversations and every thing that matters, is interior, and kept to the self. Because all the rest of the things that were there before are gone, as we seem to watch the forest burn down.

It’s been an exceptionally difficult year for me in terms of loss. I lost my father to addiction in February and then my grandmother to lung cancer in July. My mother passed in 1998, when I was 11, and losing now my father and grandmother, I’m now the last of my immediate family. I’m so lucky to have my wife and daughter, because they have been the rocks I have needed to keep from breaking down. Silent Planet’s music and Garrett’s lyrics have also been huge part of coping for me. ‘Terminal’ and now most recently ‘Collider’ have really been beacons of light that have given me some much needed perspective. I would love to tell the SP guys what their music means to me, and I’m so glad that they’re still with us after their accident!!

I lost both my parent figures before graduating with my masters and getting married. I missed them so much that I tried to end my life on a few occasions and have always struggled with SI. I’m so glad I’m here enjoying my life with my husband and dedicating my life to saving my patients lives so they can go on to live happy, healthy lives.

My grandpa passed away in November after a very short battle with dementia. In less than 2 years, he went from knowing every detail of my life to not knowing who was standing in front of him. My dad was in and out of my life so Grandpa was the consistent father figure in my life and as I got older my best friend. Because of his memory loss I feel like I didn’t truly get to say goodbye.

I’m facing the loss of my great grandma, she’s 97 and hanging on by a thread. She’s an incredible women, so inspiring and insightful. She’s seen the world and I want nothing more than to live life as freely as her. I’m also facing the loss of my best friend who is in kidney failure. And the loss of my old self as I am now a mother and finding out who I am now in this new version of life. Lesson- Everything is temporary

Since November of 2021 I’ve lost 6 friends. 2 from taking their own lives, 1 from OD’ing, 1 from a motor accident, 1 was shot and the most recently from health complications, this death was really hard on me because it was one my first internet friends Sarah, she was engaged and just a week earlier she booked me as her wedding photographer and we were planning her theme and the kinds of photos she wanted. Death is never not surprise but that one really knocked me in my butt
Everyone expect one of them was young, in their mid 20’s - 30’s, expect one of them, all of their passings tragic and taking a big toll on my soul.
While all of this is happening, I’ve been having to accept the impending loss of my child hood friend Jason that has been a staple in my life for 22 years.
His brother Travis, who I was super close with passed away in 2019. They both had muscular dystrophy and jason, just recently went in to hospice at the beginning of august.
Despite his outlook and comfort in being a believer in an afterlife and knowing he’s at peace makes the loss not devastating as the others. Sadly, I don’t have that comfort. Jason may be physically weak, but his character is so strong, it’s inspiring. He’s a paradox. it’s still really hard to think that one of my closest friends after all these years will be gone. When his brother passed it felt like a part of me is missing and now with Jason soon leaving I am feeling like i’m losing even more of myself. And it is super isolating! Exactly as you described in this video.

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I’ve been struggling with a lot of loss this year hasn’t exactly been the kindest to me. First I lost friends who are in our local punk scene and even though I didn’t know them well seeing my friends who loved them were different and they suffered and I wanted to be able to help them even though I know I couldn’t. Then I lost my great grandma which wasn’t as much sad but as much as a release I guess cause she lived to be about 97 and every day for the past 5 or so years she’s done nothing but lay and bed and have someone take care of her to the point where someone had to help her go to the bathroom everyday and it was just so sad to watch this person lose a piece of themselves day by day but I’m grateful she doesn’t suffer anymore, lastly my uncle died who I wasn’t close with but his death took a piece of my grandparents away and it hurts having to watch my grandparents cry and suffer and i had to cut ties with my other grandma cause she said some not very nice things about him right after he died and I can’t stand to even see her after that. I’m struggling with my own battles of mental health, depression, anxiety, relationships, my band, etc. that I think about killing myself often but I know I have a lot of friends and loved ones who would be extremely upset if I wasn’t around anymore so it’s all im holding onto. With that being said I hope everyone recovers from the loss they are suffering from

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I was in a relationship for 6 years. I was a very dark, negative and impossible person to love but I pushed the love of my life away. Between being in the Army as a medic and working in correctional facilities - my anxiety, depression and PTSD literally ate me alive. The past 10 years I have pushed 95% of the people around me away, including my own family. I will never get those years or moments back and it disgusts me to my core to this day. I am in therapy and on medication that is truly helping me but after years of refusing to get the help I needed desperately, the damage is done.

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