HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

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What loss are you struggling with??

Share in the comments by tagging @heartsupport. Every person who opens up will receive encouragement and be entered to win $100 of silent planet merch!!!

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Loss of the idea that what I do has any control on outcomes especially related to relationships. More an idea that the anxiety fueling a lot of my behavior wasn’t deepening relationships but was causing a wedge.

i’ve been struggling with the loss of my dog since July 29th. tomorrow marks a month and every day is a different level of difficult. she was my best friend and my first pet. i miss her immensely. shout out to Gar, he is one of the best people in this scene. :heart:

I’ve been struggling with the loss of my brother Josh Ruff, He was only 27 years old. He was in a bands called Hayden Oh My, Ghxsts, and @northavenueofficial. He brought the local music scene together here in San Antonio and brought so much loveable vibes to bring everyone together. He said this on stage we all have to make connections because we all shouldn’t feel alone look around this venue talk to someone next to you and make new friends we all are here for each other.:heart:

I’ve lost my Mama Kim three years ago then the very next year my father was diagnosed with brain cancer, he was my best friend watching him lose his cognitive ability and memory was the toughest thing for me to ever deal with… he was my hero, my best friend my confidant. He knew me more than I knew myself. What makes it more painful the only other man in my life who had a true hand in helping me grow was my big brother and he battled with depression and alcoholism… even though he promised we’re all we got an he will fight an stay strong I lost him 4 months after my father passed to alcoholism…. So now I’m the man of the house that’s left of my wife an son and mother…. Now I know to never take a second for granted with the loved ones who really were the impact on your life and the hands that kept you high. I’ve always was cherished time with my son and wife but now I’ve put the camera down a lot more and just trying to live in these moments ill never have again.

I was in a relationship that fell apart and then I was getting emotionally abused from it and it was… not fun

My ex and I trying for a child one night and later that night saw that she was sending things to multiple men. She was my best friend who would even come to tours because she didn’t mind the music I listened to. Ended up falling horribly depressed for the last two years. Horrible debt and grief over the loss of my dog shortly after, too. It’s been a hard one. Garrett is such a wholesome guy and so excited for this Silent Planet album. Mental health matters.

Lost my grandfather this year who was my last grandparent. It’s a weird realization knowing an entire generation of people who raised you are now gone. He declined over a few years into dementia and that’s a difficult thing to watch unfold as they forget you and those around them.

Ryan Siew, he was gone too soon and his music meant so much

I love when you don’t hear from the artist :joy:

I’ve been really struggling with the loss of my aunt. She passed very suddenly a few years ago just a few days before my birthday. My birthday is on July 23rd and every year it feels weird to celebrate without her here. She was a positive light in this world and I miss her so much.

I’m still dealing with the loss of my mother, grandma, grandpa, and aunt all in 2014. That year changed me so much. An now dealing with my dad possibly dealing with dementia. Through all this pain I still find hope. Idk how I do it but I try my best. Best of luck to everyone else struggling with their own personal battles.

I was stationed in Japan for 4 years and lost several friends and a grandmother that I couldn’t be there for their funerals, due to covid not allowing military personnel to leave the country. It pains me everyday knowing I wasn’t there

Been a big year of loss to death — one friend to suicide, great aunt, grandmother, aunt, old mentor, aunt, childhood dog. The 3 houses on corner I grew up on have all been sold up with the family deaths after being in the family for nearly 70 years. And I’ve lived in another country or state for every single loss. Been strange grieving from afar and wrestling with that displacement and trying to be there for family that’s also grieving.

W shirt==================

I’ve been struggling with the feeling of never belonging somewhere for so long now. I was living with my dad for almost all my life when he passed when I was a 16. I was living alone with him and I found him, then 2 grandparents died the same year. Had to go live away with the family I still had but never had any real bond with them, they all kind of feel like strangers to me even still. So I fled my country to go live in the one next to it and tried my luck there. I stayed 9 years because I felt like I could never come back without having something to offer. Some big lesson I could bring back, some talents or just the thing that would make it worth it to come back. Then Covid hit and one of the last person that really cared about me, my grandma, died in 2021 and couldn’t go. I hated myself for not going back there before, waiting still for something to offer.
I got back in 2022, damn was that hard but it happened, I came back in my own country. I still ask myself everyday if I’m good enough, if I’ll ever feel at home somewhere and with someone but I try to not let fear rule my life, at least not everyday.

My mom recently had surgery and I’m slowly realizing this road to recovery is going to be far longer than I could’ve imagined and this first day along almost wiped me out. I’m sure it’ll get better soon but it feels daunting. I work nights and then do my best for her during the day. I don’t know how people work two jobs lmao

So many losses. My cousin, in a plane crash. A special friend, to leukemia. Both my uncles, to cancer. Arrived home, today, from a funeral of another friend, just to discover that another friend had fallen to his death the day before yesterday. I miss the beloved animals I lost every single day. Loss is a part of life and we have to navigate through it hand in hand with the feelings we gather from those experiences, even if they are so, so painful. Yes, it is hard work. Every single day. Mental health is essential for survival. I think I needed this post today. So I thank you.

Ive been strugglin with the loss of uncles at the COVID pandemic, as well with some kind of depression, my fears of get old and dont make progressions in my life am 28 years old, other people have works are succesful in their way but at the same time I should work in myself, my time, and think that all the issues, people, bad times comes to teach something, gettin strong and self loved.

I’ve been in a really tough spot mentally. Feeling hopeless, unmotivated, brain feels foggy, a lot of self doubt and irrational thoughts, even thoughts of s*icide. Thankfully I’ve learned coping mechanisms through therapy that are helping me stay away from the ledge. Just pushing through this valley right now.