HeartSupport_Fans Fans #169

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fucking needed this majorly, these past few weeks having been after my ass-i’m so stressed out from school and on top of that i’m anxious that my parents will find out i’m trans but thanks for this Ricky much love :heart_hands::black_heart::black_heart:


@dis4st3rp1ece hey! That’s a tough situation that you’re in for sure! Sorry to hear that. School is stressing me out a lot lately too honestly. I’m trying to find balance and find ways to not let the pressure of school overwelm me. I’ve been trying to somehow study more so I stress less from tests and assignments. It’s ok that you made that choice of course to be trans and I hope your parents understand and encourage you! :black_heart:

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It sounds like life hasn’t been very gentle with you lately. I can only imagine all the stress that you must feel these days. Thank you for sharing, really. It is healthy to talk about what affects you and to not let it boil inside silently. I hope you make sure to take some breaks when you’re not at school, to do things you like and take your mind off anything that would be related to school. Just so you can breathe, do things you like and relax. As for the fear that your parents could find out that you are trans, I truly hope that if they do then they will welcome this news with only a huge amount of love. There’s so much stigma and lack of comprehension when it comes to our gender and/or sexual identity. Through all of it, you ARE perfect and beautiful just as you are. Everything else will belong to others perceptions, others reactions – it will be a reflection of their mind and heart, but not of your value, not of your worth and not of your beauty. Be kind to yourself in times to come, make sure to take some breaks to breathe a little bit everyday. Time invested in yourself, in your well-being, is never wasted. On the contrary, it is during times like these that we need self-care the most, and that is okay. Hold Fast, friend. You’re loved.

@dis4st3rp1ece so hard to be in a place where everywhere you look in your life is stress and hardship - that you feel you are being chased by this constant risk of failure. You’re always one wrong step away from having all of your cards come crashing down. It’s like having the big bad wolf always looming around the corner of your straw house. That kind of paranoia is exhausting. Which makes “performing”, getting through the hard stuff in life, that much more strenuous.

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Hey there! What makes you so anxious that your parents will find out? You are being who you truly want to be and are. It is what makes you happy and health for you. We are here for you!

Thank you for sharing. I know that’s a lot of things to deal with in addition to being trans. Depending where you are, it can be a thing of worrying about being ostracized to being physically safe. I’m so glad you reached out though and we are here for you no matter what!

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Hello! I completely understand where you are coming from, especially when it is stressful due to me being in college. I want you to know that if you are in a case of burnout, stop what you are doing and take some time. It is okay to be stressed with school, but always remember to put yourself first, too.

As for coming out to your parents, know at least this: it is okay to be anxious with your parents.

I want you to know that we accept you for who you are!

Hi Friend, I am sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. School can be very stressful for sure and if you are finding your work difficult have a chat with your tutor and see if they can help you in some way. They want you to do well so they should be happy to help you.
What is your fear for your parents finding out about you being trans? I guess my question is what is the worst thing that can happen when they find out? what is that fear? how can you make that easier to manage? I hope you can find some help with work and you can talk to your parents at some point. Just remember how much your parents love you whatever. xx

So glad to hear that this post/interview has been encouraging to you personally. It’s comforting when we can read from someone we appreciate things that help us make feel less alone in our struggles, and overall encouraged during difficult times.

It sounds that you’ve been going through your share of stressors indeed. I hear how the fears of your parents finding out about you being trans can be a huge source of anxiety. On top of just not knowing how your parents would react, we live in a time that seem to be so hurtful against trans people and the LGBT community. It makes sense to feel this apprehension regarding what would be the outcomes there. Although something fundamental to keep in mind - no matter what - is that you being yourself is always okay. Regardless of how your parents and any other person in your life would react to your identity, you will never be wrong for being, and never wrong for being you.

I hope that, in due time, it will be possible for you to have this conversation with your parents - when it feels appropriate and safe for you. I’m personally so proud of you for being more connected to who you are and for opening up about it here. <3

Hi there!

Firstly I’m so glad to hear you resonate a lot with this post. Great stuff! :smiling_face:

I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been going through such a challenging time lately. It’s completely normal to feel stressed out, especially when you’re dealing with school and anxiety about your parents finding out about your identity.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that you are valid just as you are. Your identity is something personal and beautiful, and it’s important to take the time you need to navigate sharing this aspect of yourself with others, especially your parents. It’s okay to have worries and anxieties about it; these feelings are completely natural.

When it comes to school-related stress, it might be helpful to break things down into manageable tasks and prioritize self-care. Remember to take breaks, breathe deeply, and seek support from friends, teachers, or counselors if you need it. You don’t have to go through this alone.

In terms of sharing your identity with your parents, it’s important to do so when you feel ready and safe. You know your situation best, and your well-being is the top priority. If you’re uncertain about their reaction, consider reaching out to a supportive friend or a local LGBTQ+ community or organization for guidance and emotional support.

You are not alone in your journey, and there are people who care about you and want to help. It’s okay to seek out resources and support networks that can provide guidance and understanding during this time. Remember that you are strong, and you can navigate through these challenges. Please take care of yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need to talk or have any questions.