HeartSupport_Fans Fans #172

I don’t suffer from depression but the last past literally is how I feel about trying to go back to school and have a career… I have to interview and it sucks because I want to go to that school and I can see myself doing that for the rest of my life and have purpose but they will make the judgment to deny or grant my future…


@xwackie_jackiex you’ve got this :muscle:t4: interviewers definitely play a role in our lives, but we direct our stories. Can’t let anyone put you off from what you know you need to do. Your future is yours :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

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@xwackie_jackiex that’s a stressful time for you! It may feel like a make or or break it moment for your future. My hope for you is that the interview is amazing and it works out. If it doesn’t go as planned, life will work out another future for you that will be just as grand.

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@kaptainkootie thank you❤️ I’ve been so hard on myself because I know time is my enemy and when covid happened my family would mention all the time how nursing was the only way to be Essential and im sorry but that is NOT my calling. it’s a great career path but NOT mine. I’d be waking up hating it every hour of everyday. I want to help.people but NOT in that way

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@nicoleisawake I know:/ I need to remind myself that I’m enough because I’ve felt so lost and worthless. although I love my job and the atmosphere and the people I help now I know I can do more and live more. my company has taken care of me but its not a career and people tell me that all the time there too that sweetie this is not it you can do so much better and I want too but if the schools don’t take mainly cause of loan approvals well then idk :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I got accepted at 1 but my loan didn’t go through and I cried for weeks. like it took me this long to fund something else to be passion about and I couldn’t do it

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Hi Friend, It sounds to me that you are a determined young person. You say you want to go to that school? If you have a real will, it will come across in the interview, People love to see others with a passion for something. I have faith in you. Show them that they should be honoured to have such a wonderful student because you are awesome. You’ve got this! I wish you all the luck in the world my friend.
Much Love Lisalovesfeathers. x

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@heartsupportwall4 thank you❤️ that’s what I try reminding myself. that we all have our own time although society tries telling us by certain ages we should have accomplished certain things in our lives but it doesn’t always work out that way. That’s why I disconnect from social media because it’s mentally overwhelming and I know others feel the same.

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