HeartSupport_Fans Fans #177

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I really needed this post today. I have been struggling with my mental health since May and the last couple weeks have been the hardest for me. Thank you for speaking up @rickyxolson …it’s helping me realize that I need to open up about what I’m struggling with :black_heart:


Sometimes social media is a little too in the open to open up, check out our heart support forum if you need more anonymity while opening up. It sure helped me, first anonymously on the wall, then with people around me. Taking the time to be loved through everything is so important, and you are loved, no matter what. Good luck my friend :white_heart:

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Thank you for sharing this and for being brave enough to talk about struggling. It’s not always easy. There are links in the bio to the support wall and to the discord should you ever want to be a part of the community and if you ever need people to listen and support.

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I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling with your mental health. It’s not always easy to admit it and sometimes not always easy to even notice that there’s something wrong. Sometimes we think we have to be strong and just keep going on with how we are feeling. It’s so brave of you to be open and say “I’m struggling”. Your struggle is valid and seen. I do hope you have the support around you that you deserve

Hey there! I’m so glad to hear that this post has touched your heart during a challenging time. Remember, you’re not alone in your struggles, and reaching out and sharing your feelings can be a powerful step toward healing. We’re here to support you, and your courage to open up is truly inspiring. :two_hearts: Keep being strong, and brighter days will come your way :muscle:t2:

So very thankful that you find some resonance in Ricky’s words here. There is something absolutely beautiful when we can connect with what someone shared at an emotional level. One takes the first step of sharing their vulnerability, and it creates this magnifying effect where others can relate and feel their own emotions have been mirrored. There’s a lot of wisdom and strength in his words that I deeply relate to as well.

As life has been challenging to you lately, and as you are navigating a seemingly tough season, I would love to encourage you to simply share how it’s been for you - could it be here, or to a safe friend/relative, or even to a professional like a therapist (and if that is an option for you). At Heartsupport, we also have an anonymous forum @ https://fourm.heartsupport.com, where you are absolutely welcome to post. Having experienced it myself, I know firsthand how frightening it is to share how we feel and to ask for some support. But it’s one of the most beautiful and fulfilling “risks” that we can take, really. Once someone encourages you in a way that is meaningful to you personally, it makes you realize that you are not alone - and that not being alone is not just a nice phrasing that we can see sometimes. It is actually real and something that we can feel at a personal level.

I wish for you to open this door at your own pace, and to make sure that you receive the support you need during challenging times of life moving forward. There are burdens we are not doomed to carry just on our own. On the contrary, it gives strength to share our vulnerable sides, and to connect with others the same way. Wishing you peace, comfort and safety. Take care, friend.