HeartSupport_Fans Fans #199

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I feel this :100:. Life has been so hard here recently it’s unbelievable. Health wise is taking a toll and it’s not 100 that serious but still. It’s like one thing after another and I do struggle with every day life at times. It just shows no matter who you are we all just humans and sometimes we just need help. Thanks for showing that it’s okay not to be okay. :purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Oh friend, I hear you. This sensation that life just keeps throwing obstacles at you over and over, to the point that even something not that significant becomes very hurtful. I have felt this way multiple times in my life and hate the thoughts it creates – is this ever going to stop? is it worth it to keep trying? are my efforts even significant? During troubled times, it’s easier to lose sights of some fundamental truths that we can embrace when the context is better. I hope that your health is going to get better soon, or even just progressively but at least surely. Hope you can also take care of yourself despite the possible limitations it creates in your life. It may be a time of challenges and adjustments, but taking care of yourself will always be worth it, especially when your heart needs it the most. If you ever need to vent or share what’s on your heart, feel always free to do so in the Heartsupport community. Sometimes it feels pointless to just talk, but sometimes it feels good to just let it out and speak as a way to process our emotions, our thoughts. Sending plenty of friendly thoughts and positive energy your way.

From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hi Friend, I completely understand where you are coming from and I am sorry to read that you are going through tough times, I dont llike to hear that about anyone. When you struggle with health issues everything else is so much harder to contend with isnt it? I think sometimes people just have to listen to thier bodies and know when to say enough is enough and take that break and be at peace with that. It is allowed that we have days where we don’t feel our best, that we are not all happy smiley people, sometimes we just don’t feel that way. yeah its ok! I guess the point is to not let it overwhelm you too much and remember that there are many people out here that love and value you when you are ready. I hope that your Health impoves friend. take care for now. Lisalovesfeathers. x

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Sometimes life can just be enough. It can feel like it all comes crashing down on you so fast. You’re so right that no matter who you are, things can still feel heavy and you can still struggle. All those struggles are so valid.
I do hope that your heart feels lighter and that you have some good friends around you to help carry you through this


Hey there Friend!

I’m sorry to hear that life has been throwing curveballs at you recently. Especially in regards to your health. I just want to remind you that whether you are experiencing issues with your physical, or mental health, neither one is more important than the other and it is in fact the case that both are just as important as each other. It’s horrible that when you break a leg, everybody comes to sign your cast, but when it comes to mental health, often - nobody is there until it’s too late.

You are only human. Reaching out for help is not a sign of your weakness. Struggling with everyday life does not make you any less of a human. It is indeed okay to not be okay. I hope this is helpful :heart:


Hi there, I know it’s so overwhelming and exhausting when life just keeps putting more and more on our plates. And health struggles are so tough! Even if it isn’t very severe, it can be frustrating and unpleasant to need to deal with health challenges. I also love your insight – mentioning that we all need help sometimes – because it’s so true! Thank you for sharing with us and for being here. -Tuna


Gosh. I feel the exhaustion with you. It’s so frustrating when it feels like life just . doesn’t . stop to throw new obstacles at you. It feels as if there is some kind of curse when everything is seemingly okay, and suddenly all problems are just ringing at your door and saying hi one after another. You don’t even have time to process and figure out a first obstacle that you have to learn how to jump over another one. Reading your post, I couldn’t help but feeling for all those days I woke up already waiting out for the next bad news or struggle to show its face. Life does feel like an endurance race at times, and it really takes a toll on us.

As you said so well though, it’s okay to ask for help when we need it, even if it feels quite challenging at first. There are circumstances in life that are not meant to be shouldered on our own, and there truly is something special about knowing that we have a safety net within our close circle of relationships.

I wish you all the best on this journey of yours, and to embrace your own vulnerability as being a real part of your STRENGTH in face of any hardship you may encounter. <3


Hi Friend, I am so sorry life has been so difficult of late. I am also sorry your health isnt good, it doesnt have to be very serious to be difficult to manage and hard to live with. Mental Health, Physical health, whatever condition is it not matter how insignificant the title of it, you still have to live with it day after day and its ok to ask your friends, your family and of course your doctor for the help you need to make your life easier. I hope your life begins to improve and you find a way to take good care of yourself. Lisa x


Hi friend, it is really difficult when things keep getting thrown at you and it just seems so overwhelming. It feels like it’s one thing after another and we ask ourselves, “when will it ever stop?” I’m sorry you’re having health issues and even tho they might not be “100% that serious” it can still add a lot of stress to your life and everything else becomes overwhelming too. I hope you can take some time to slow down, breath and take a break from the things you can that are stressful right now. Take care, be well and you matter!