HeartSupport_Fans Fans #201

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Thank you sharing this! Thanks for being vulnerable with us and helping so many today. It’s very difficult for me to be vulnerable and when I am, I feel guilty like I shouldn’t have shared that. I feel that those vulnerable sad feelings are a burden for others to hear and unfortunately, these feelings never seem to go away and I just hide it most times.

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@saraeulalee you are never a burden. You never have to feel guilt for struggling and for sharing your struggles. You are important, your experiences, thoughts and feelings are important. You are loved and you matter to us.

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@saraeulalee Heart Support is a safe place to talk about what is on your heart and mind without judgement. We don’t think you are a burden and you never have to feel guilty because you are important and worthy of support and love. :hrtlegolove:

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Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable can be so challenging, so intimidating, especially in a world that doesn’t really help us get used to doing it. I hear you and understand this fear of being a burden to others, of feeling like you should hide and, ultimately, deal with things on your own. Each time you try to speak though is not lost. It is through these repeated experiences that you will allow yourself to actually see that people who genuinely care about you, care about YOU, meaning both with the joy you bring around you and your struggles. Something that helps me sometimes when I fear being a burden is to remind myself that it is not up to me to decide this – it belongs to others perception of me, and even that wouldn’t make it an absolute truth. It helps to try to reverse the situation and ask ourselves: if a friend was struggling with the same thoughts, would I reject them for reaching out to me? You too have the right to be supported during times of struggles. Your voice is a precious strength that you own, and you are never a burden for simply having emotions. <3

From: Aardvark

being vulnerable makes you human, this is a sort of strength. thank you for sharing, you matter my friend. have a nice day

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@saraeulalee Isn’t that the bitch of it all? That you can know you need to open up, and when you do that you feel worse than if you hadn’t? It’s like - vulnerability AUTOMATES regret. You IMMEDIATELY regret what you shared. IMMEDIATELY feel like a burden, like it is some kind of trigger for feeling like a piece of shit. So more often than not you just suffer silently. If you’re going to feel bad either way, why not just try to deal with it yourself instead of adding the shame of speaking up on top of it all? People showboat about the value of “courage” but it all feels like fake news. Courage just leads to bigger pain. Why try? But then when you get to that place of despair, and you really settle into the reality of keeping it all in, you start to feel claustrophobic with your pain. You CAN’T hold it all in. And so you reach out, which only causes the cycle to spiral again and again. How do you get out of this cycle? How do you share without feeling this compounding regret? How do you stop feeling like a burden? Something has to change! You /want/ it. You are /willing/ to do it. But it just feels like some kind of magic you don’t understand to cause the shift that will help things align as they should.

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I totally get where your coming from! Sharing vulnerabilities is something that is actually very admirable, because if you think about it from a perspective of giving a voice to the voiceless, you may be sharing emotions that others share but don’t have the ability to voice for whatever reason, so you’re giving validation to their thoughts and feelings.



Being vulnerable takes enormous courage and you should never feel guilty for summoning that courage to let other people know how you are truly feeling. I think you would be surprised how many other people share those deep sad feelings and, by you having the guts to start those conversations, you are also making it easier for them to share as well.

You are strong and never a burden x


Hello Friend, Thank you for posting here, It is very easy to feel guilt for offloading to others when you have concerns or upset in life and I often saw that too as a negative thing, I saw it as a weakness however I look now at so many opening up and sharing their hearts and realise how powerful it is and what strength and courage it takes. You are no burden friend, you are an inspiration. Lisa x


I understand where you are coming from, especially in a place of vulnerability. A place where your emotions are valid and you feel a sense of being heard; know that we care for your well-being and the care of your emotions. It is okay that those feelings take a while to process!

Know that you are not a burden, and know you are strong!


I can relate to having similar feelings. I find that we extend grace to others more than we do ourselves. I find myself feeling like an inconvenience anytime I share. I think of how what I’m saying will make others feel (are they going to think I’m crazy, are they doing to become distant?). I call myself annoying. But one thing you constantly have to remind yourself is that you deserve to take up space. Extend that same grace to yourself that you do for others. We are our own harshest critic.

So hard to feel like opening up and sharing about our struggles is an appropriate thing to do. It feels as if the moment you start talking there is this rush of thoughts telling you that you’re doing it wrong, that you are going to burden the person who’s listening to you, that you ned to hide it all away from the attention of others instead of putting light on it… It makes you want to disconnect and hide away, yet at the same time the isolation leaves you stuck with problems that can’t be ignored, and grow stronger when you’re on your own. It is really a learning process but to get more and more comfortable with the very act of sharing. It takes practice, but it’s worth gathering this experience and seeing firsthand that, when we open up, the person in front of us gets to choose whether or not they’d listen. It’s also the beauty of sharing - seeing the intention and focus of two individuals connecting over the same thing, at the same time. Hiding feels reassuring, and somehow it responds to this urge of protecting others from our burdens. Sometimes though, and especially for the people who love us the most, being the receptor of such vulnerability is a strong sign of trust, and that alone is a great gift that you offer - not a burden or a curse. I am for sure very grateful right now that you shared about this struggle that is to learn to grow more comfortable with being authentically vulnerable. It opens a door to who you are, and sometimes the strongest bonds are created that way. Thank you for sharing, friend.

Hey Friend! :black_heart:

Please know that vulnerability isn’t a sign of weakness, and it’s okay to share your feelings. Your emotions, no matter how intense they appear are 100% valid and you shouldn’t feel guilty for expressing yourself. Being open about your struggles is paving the way to your recovery, where people can understand and support you in a much better way :blue_heart:

So glad this post could resonate with you :heavy_heart_exclamation: