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Hard relate==============
This is a Topic from Instagram. In order to participate in these conversations, you need to sync with our Porter Instagram software here .
Hard relate==============
It is so hard when loneliness hits us like an intense slap on the face. We are suddenly facing ourselves, our pain, this voice inside that often needs to scream but has been ignored for too long. It is possible to learn to embrace solitude without feeling the burden of loneliness, but it surely takes time, grace and patience renewed and given to ourselves. I’m sorry that you relate so much to the feelings and experiences described, although also so very grateful that you’ve posted today. The very first step to defeat loneliness is to show up, share our voice, be seen just as we are. I see you today, and I’m glad that you are here. If you ever need a place to find community, Heartsupport will always be present and welcome you unconditionally. Hang in there, friend. <3