HeartSupport_Fans Fans #215

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I’m strugglin with sh, I’m one month and one week clean today, this post means so much for me right now… thank you Ricky, you’re the best human :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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Hey friend. So freaking proud of you for the week clean of sh. This is such a huge milestone, and I hope with all my heart that you will take some time to acknowledge this progress and celebrate yourself! I know this is a battle that is too often led in silence and isolation while it shouldn’t be. Proud of you for speaking up today and sharing with us. This is one of the best ways to conquer the shame that we often feel for struggling, and for simply being human. I’m rooting for you. Keep going! <3

@micro.mtn thank you so much for this words, you can’t imagine how much this means to me, thank you :pleading_face::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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From: Lisalovesfeathers

Hey Friend, I am so sorry you are struggling right now but hey look at you, one month and one week, that is amazing, whatever techniques you are using are working and that is awesome. stay strong and we are always here if you are in a difficult space and you want to talk. Also at Heartsupport we have Action Groups that may interest you, I think joining one might be of real help right now. If you go to our HeartSupport Discord, you will find Actions groups there. Good luck and once again, One month is a huge success well done. Lisalovesfeathers. x

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From: Schlemnoween

Congratulations to this huge achievement! You are doing great. Be proud and happy for treating yourself better and don’t give up. <:LegoLove:387371584857571328>

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@the.joey.jordisons.twin what a powerful win, friend. It can feel so damn hard to get out of the daily cycle of defeat → shame → pain → relapse…the fact that you are FIVE WEEKS clean is such a powerful testament to your strength, to your willingness to hope and believe in a better life for yourself. Well done <3

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@natetriesagain thank you so much :pleading_face::black_heart:, I’ve struggled with this for more than one year now and I had a lot of relapses but this time I feel better with myself and my life, and I think I’ve finally find a light after all I have lived… I think the best way for get out of this is talk about this with people in the same situation or people that can help you with your mental healt, and I also think this is a problem that need a lot more interest, expecially in real life and at school, because people need to talk about this… this is why this post is so helpfull for a lot of us :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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Congrats on 1 month! SH is nothing to be ashamed of. If you need serious help talk to someone you trust!

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