HeartSupport_Fans Fans #223

i cant fucking let him go and its been a year. i wish i never talked to him i wish i could take all the memories back. my favorite time of year got ruined because all i can think about is him and how much everyone in that group hurt me. none of my current friends ever listen to me when i try to talk to them about needing help to cover those memories they just tell me to let it go and thats the end of the conversation. i blare music to drown the thoughts but then will still think of him. i feel like i cant let go no matter how much i want to


@darkest.disguise being told to just let something go or to get over it is so harsh and it’s not how we are meant to process hurt. You don’t have to push it down and pretend to be fine when I’m reality you’re sitting with this. You deserve to be listened to and to have your thoughts and feelings understood. I hope that this community can provide you with that kind of support if you ever need it

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I know these thoughts well, how you would give up any good times just to take away the pain of the bad and how you are feeling now. I am so sorry you are going through this, its such a horrible empty raw feeling. Its grief. You are grieving the loss of what you had with someone you loved and that is so hard to bear and im sorry your friends are not listening to you, its normal to want to talk it out, its healthy to want to go over those thoughts and memories and not sit and wallow in your thoughts. Please if you wish you use the wall as a way to get your thoughts and feelings out do so, you have friends here now that will listen and support you whenever you need it. Grief takes time but it will get better I promise you, One day you will start to see a flicker of light and before you know it you will be in the sunshine again but one step at a time. Much Love Lisa. x

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I think talking it out with someone might help you to finally come to peace with the loss. If none of your current friends are good listeners, it might help to talk to a counselor or therapist.