HeartSupport_Fans Fans #227

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I’ve never been able to ask for help, because my mind always tells me “you can do this alone”. I know this isn’t right. Maybe I’m just scared to show how vulnerable I am sometimes and this is one of my biggest problem in my life.


From: Aardvark

i know this feeling very well, so often i was thinking “go on”, but you will see that help comes in unexpected ways to you. your friends and close ones will be there for you, show them your heart. showing vulnerability is strength you are strong my friend, be proud of yourself. have a nice day

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From: Schlemnoween

Oh god, I can relate to this so much! I always avoided seeking help because I thought people would laugh at me and tell me I am overreacting or exaggerating, I felt guilty because I thought I would take the place of somebody who “actually really” needed help. It surely didn’t help me that the people around me told me that I have it so good, I have no reason to feel bad/down, so why do I? I should just get a grip on myself and not be like that. In the end I looked for help much later than I should have. Everybody deserves help if they need it. Your feelings are valid. Vulnerability shows inner strength. Don’t be afraid to reach out and take a helping hand.

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@aurygal you deserve to be heard. You don’t have to do it alone, even if you feel like you can. Sometimes it’s such a relief to have someone share your burdens and know you’re not alone

@schrododendron you’re right and I wish I could talk to someone. A few times I tried but I just was ignored. So now I’m like “never again” lol but if you have someone who listens to your problems e you’re not alone, I’m really happy for you :pray:t2:

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Keep trying as much as needed friend. Not everyone is going to be ready to listen to you, but that is about them and is the reflection of their ability to be present at the moment. You, on your end, deserves so much to be heard and supported when you need it. You are never wrong for reaching out. <3

@aurygal that is really heartbreaking to hear, I’m so sorry that you’ve had people do that to you. It certainly builds a doubt and a barrier between people. They sadly don’t realise how much it could mean to someone to have them validate and just listen.

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@schrododendron thank you so much! I’ll check the platform and maybe who knows? I could be able to ask for help :crossed_fingers:t2:

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@aurygal also if you ever need a platform to have your voice heard, in the link in the bio there’s a link to the heart support forum. It is anonymous if you need that because it is scary to share. There is a wonderful community there who support and love on one another. You matter x

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It takes greater strength and courage to admit vulnerability. It may seem counterintuitive, but admitting vulnerability is instrumental in developing strength.

Your mind can also tell you “you have the wisdom to seek help when you need to.”

Often, you can do it alone, but sharing the journey benefits not only you, but others as well.