heartsupport_Fans Fans #71

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From heartsupport: This is from @bad.rad.bossbabe This post was super relatable for me. After going through the trauma of experiencing a house fire, I fell into some very unhealthy habits. Those habits lead me down a dark road and I gained 40+ lbs. As a coach myself, I honestly felt embarrassed to even leave my house. My clothes no longer fit and I even quit going to the gym. It was one of the hardest points in my adult life. Especially when I started comparing myself… I’m still on the journey of healing, but it’s such a good reminder that all bodies change and evolve and I can love myself at each part of it.


YES. Wow. All of this. It’s so hard to look back at previous versions of you and see them in “better shape” or "happier’ or “healthier”. It is almost like your past becomes this constant version of you that haunts you and reminds you you “could be/should be better”. And then to also have those feelings of inadequacy reflect back to you in every instagram post of people being fit and happy and successful. It’s hard. It’s hard to come to a place of self-acceptance, especially while you’re IN PROCESS, ON THE JOURNEY. But for you to be able to name these things it gives them less power over you - you externalize it, it is /not you/. They are thoughts that you have, but they are not your identity. You’re changing, you’re growing, you’re in the arena, choosing to engage in something that is hard, and that is what makes it beautiful and worthwhile. Your story is powerful, and it is worth living for. Proud of you as you engage in this journey.


Thank you so much for sharing your story here. The journey of healing is paved of so many ups and downs, but the times when we feel trapped in our own body and ashamed of it tend to impact us so much more. It’s so good to maintain some perspective over this process as it’s not just about your body but also the way you see, value, accept and love yourself. As a recovering anorexic/bulimic, I find a lot of inspiration in your words. There are times when it’s hard to not look back, to not feel stuck in shame of being as our appearance generally seem to be such a big part of our identity. But our bodies hold a story of strength and resilience that is absolutely unique. There is beauty in you, inside and out because you are, and it sounds that you are definitely in this process of reaching more peace and acceptance (not resignation!) in your life. You are so worthy of love, respect, care and I hope you’re proud of yourself for learning to have this new outlook in your life. We sure are proud of you at Heartsupport. May you keep giving yourself as much grace and patience as you need on this journey towards more self-acceptance and care.

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