Heartsupport i am dealing with some struggles of b

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Belongs to: Beartooth - Might Love Myself - Therapist Reacts

I am dealing with some struggles of being a 20 year old. I just recently left a job I was unhappy at. I am also trying to figure out a relationship with a girl. I feel kind of hopeless and lost. I tend to care too much about what others think of MY life and how I go about it. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hey there friend!

I appreciate you being open and honest with us here. I know that takes a lot guts. Being 20 with a lot going on is very difficult. Trying to navigate life with others expectations can be extremely challenging and exhausting. I’m 28 years old now and felt very much the same things that you did (and still do). Life is a crazy journey. But I urge you to do what makes yourself most happy. At the end of the day, people will always have opinions and that’s fine, but you should put yourself first. We’re here for you at HS.

P.S. I found that Beartooth’s song In Between has helped me a lot through the years, it’s pretty awesome! Keep the jams goin!


Hey there,
I am also 20 years old and life can be hard to navigate. Adult life started at 18, you’re two years into it. Nobody would blame a 2 year old for not having their entire childhood figured out. The same logic applies. It is okay not to have life figured out, that’s part of the beauty of life. Try and find hobby you enjoy, explore different career paths, get out and see the world! Life is just beginning so don’t be so hard on yourself.



Hi Friend!
As someone who is also in their twenties, I can highly relate with you. I’m proud of you for leaving a job you were unhappy at because, at the end of the day, mental health is always the priority. I think a lot of people our age feel this way, so know that you are definitely not alone. Some advice that I have been given myself is to enjoy where you are right now. Enjoy the time feeling lost and not having a plan. That’s a huge part of your twenties and you’ll likely never have a time like this again where you have so much ahead of you that you get to slowly figure out. Live in the moment and enjoy where you are at. There’s no timeline or rush for anything. Don’t compare yourself to others because no matter what people say, in your twenties, most people definitely do not have everything figured out even if they seem like they do. You got this, and you’re not alone. Take it one day at a time.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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hey friend, you have many things changing and happening in your life right now which is no doubt stressful. thank you for opening up here about it. i’m proud of you for recognizing the unhappiness your previous job left you and wish you all the best in finding a new job that brings you joy and passion! it’s also so exciting yet a little scary when trying to figure out a relationship - i know you and her will figure things out together! and when it comes to caring about what others think, it’s a hard feeling to overcome. but once you find relief in the truth that you are in control of your journey and no matter what others think about the different routes you take, you know deep down inside that the decisions you make are in your best interest. so no matter what others may say or think about your life, it’s none of their business. you can’t control their thoughts but you can control what you do and the journey you pursue. you got this!!

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You are not alone. Being 20 years old is hard and it is confusing, there is so much pressure on you to do things and figure things out but take it easy and do things at your own pace. It is normal to feel lost but don’t lose hope, change is overwhelming and it can be discouraging sometimes at this age but you have so many more things to experience and your entire life ahead of you!
People’s opinions can feel important to you but try to focus on what feels right for you, at the end of the day it is YOUR life and you get to decide.

You got this!

  • Domenica