Heartsupport i find myself listening to this song

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Last Resort Reimagined by Falling In Reverse
@heartsupport I find myself listening to this song over and over again lately and the ending always inspires me but the start feels like my life right now and just constantly losing sight and fighting to find my way back from the darkness that my mind wants to go to but seeing your reactions does help me reflect but it just feels like such a struggle lately

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When we’re in the darkness, it can be hard to try and find our way back when we can’t see which direction we’re going. The darkness is so hard to shake, that it takes some time standing in the light for us to finally be able to feel like we have our heads above water. It can feel like starting over from square one.

When I started getting therapy and medications for my depression, I remember struggling so much with living life “normally” again. Being anything but depressed felt so unfamiliar and I felt like I was living life miles behind everyone else, desperately trying and failing to catch up. I wanted to just give up, run back into the darkness because it felt so familiar. As someone whose studying psychology right now, I’ve found that neural pathways are a real thing and help us rewire our brains. We can build new neural pathways, and eventually our new positive thoughts and healthier coping mechanisms become more common and second nature.
The darkness wants to tell you that you’ll never be strong enough to leave, but you, my friend, were able to make it out. Even if it sucked you back in, you have proved to yourself that you can leave. You’ve defeated it before, and you will defeat it again. Every time we defeat the darkness, even if we go back to it, we come back stronger. The darkness might tell you you’re not strong, but you are. The strongest tool darkness has is to break us down and try to convince us we can’t fight it.
If you have been able to fight it and are still fighting it, you have already won the battle. It can be so hard to find our sight and gather our footing when we’re just trying to manage fighting the darkness, but I believe that you will not feel this pain forever. I believe in you my friend, I know that you be able to keep taking these thoughts captives. I am here with you my friend, I am so proud of all that you have done and I’m so happy for the victory that you are fighting for <3

Wow, I feel like I am in this same place today, my friend. Truly. The way you put it, that you feel like every day you’re just constantly losing sight and trying to find your way back into the light. . . wow, that hits home. When every day feels like a desperate struggle just to get to where you want to be–that is such an exhausting way to live. Some days my favorite part of the day is just sleeping because for once I finally don’t have to worry about feeling inadequate or feeling like I’ve failed again. Yes, it feels like such a constant struggle, and I’m here with you on that.

I think this feeling that we have to “earn” our way back to something comes from deeper insecurities. Maybe we compare ourselves to others and even subconsciously, we feel like we can never get to that magical place of acceptance and value that they are in. Like no matter what we do, we’ll always just be desperately climbing toward that unachievable height that we can never grasp. That is so defeating.

But it’s also hard when sometimes there are things that we don’t like about ourselves that we do want to change. Because then we think that it’s okay to beat ourselves up, because hey, we’re really not where we want to be and we deserve to be upset with ourselves, right? We should sit in this shame spiral because we really aren’t good enough, right? I battle with this on a daily basis. But I think there’s very little hope for us to get better if all we do is think about how horrible we are. If we just sit in our shame, then why not keep messing up? After all, that shame and self-disappointment can begin to feel comfortable, and we think “I deserve the pain anyway, so what’s a little more gonna do?” You see how destructive that mindset can be? And then soon we’re exactly where we started, sitting in the burden of our mistakes as we just keep on messing up.

So what if there’s another way to think about it? For me, focusing on the true things about myself that ARE valuable and worthy of love has given me so much more strength to fight than the negative self-talk. Why would I want to fight for someone who is convinced they will just mess up again? And then we don’t want to care anymore, we want to give up and stop fighting for ourselves because we think we’re not worth fighting for. But what if we ARE worth fighting for? What if the mere fact that you want to change is evidence that you are better than you think you are? If you’re not happy with where you are at now, then that conviction to change is a sign that you are worth believing in. I believe that your openness and your desire to find your way back from the darkness is proof that you CAN believe in yourself to be better.

For today, for right now, I want you to know that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you are worth fighting for exactly as you are. I am so thankful that you are willing to share, because sitting in that spiral of shame is hopeless and can never fulfill us. I believe in you, my friend. Thank you for being here, and I truly am proud of you for who you are and for who you want to be.

Ah dude, yeah absolutely. To be honest I actually hated the original of this song because I never took the time to listen to it. I heard the Falling in reverse version for the first time via this video and it hit me so hard. It resonates so hard the way it talks about feeling like you are screaming in desperation for help it actually brought me to tears because that’s exactly how I’ve felt so many times.

The thing that brings me back is usually my daughter’s sunshine. I want to encourage you to reach out for that thing in your life that allows you to breathe. Because whilst we are in this desperation it’s so hard to see our way forward and the way our mind lies to us and tells us we aren’t strong enough.

But I believe that you are strong enough my friend and I want to encourage you to see that, whatever struggles you are going through, I believe you will get to the other side of this.

Please keep going and keep reaching out for help, scream it like Ronnie if you have to because you are not alone, I want to thank you for the privilege you have given Heartsupport in trusting us to share your story with.

You matter and you do not have to struggle alone.