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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hope by NF
@heartsupport I have been going through this cycle of getting hope only for it to be torn down for years. Recently, it has felt like that hope is gone. I pushed the people I cared about away. Every time I try to face my demons I get knocked back down. Every time I try to open up I get cast aside. Every person I have let in has turned that trust against me. I’m just tired of being dragged through the mud. Of being ignored and forgotten. Of being thrown away when they are bored of me. I didn’t realize any of this until a few years ago. That the people I thought were friends and family, had actually been treating me like a worthless piece of crap. I’m just trying to find a way forward but I keep seeing these signs that say its not worth it. The doubt that I will ever be loved. The doubt I will ever be worthy of love. Of happiness. I hide the real me from the world because I’m afraid that people will judge me. And on top of that, I’ve grown afraid of being happy. When you are happy, you let your guard down. You’re vulnerable. And I am afraid of being put in that situation again. Every time I move forward, something new comes along. I’ve lost motivation to try. To try and make a better life for myself. I want to have people in my life that make me feel loved. But I am too afraid to show the real me. I’m still technically a kid, but my parents treat me like an adult. When I’m sick, scared, or in pain, they laugh and make jokes at my expense. They tell me to stop being a baby. I may be almost 18, but that doesn’t give them the right to treat me like shit. Its one thing to treat me like a responsible adult, and another to treat me like garbage. I don’t know how to move forward. But I know I dont have a choice. I’m just tired of being me. My intelligence causes me to overthink. And my ocd makes me obsess over the bad things. Its impossible to move forward if I cant stop obsessing over the past. I just cant figure out how to overcome it.