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Belongs to: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/40268
heartsupport I have struggled with Bipolar 2 disorder for a very long time. It took me finding my broken person to finally get the help I DESERVED. While it’s still hard, and I am still unlearning my maladaptive behaviors, I am proud to say I’ve just gotten my first job as a clinical mental health counselor. Being broken pushed me towards new dreams and aspirations. I am forever grateful for my own decay. :black_heart:

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What a beautiful testimony. Well done for pushing through, for seeking help, but even more for meeting yourself at a core level. This must have been quite a journey for you, and it’s so inspiring to hear how you’ve turned your personal experiences into a strength that is also going to serve others. Not only you are going to be an amazing counselor, but you’re also going to put heart into the support you’ll provide. Thank you for sharing about your story here. Keep it up, friend. <3